Chapter 2- The Water's Cold Tonight

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                                                                     INT. FIRST CLASS DINING SALOON

"Iruka!" A gentleman exclaimed. "I believe you got yourself a keeper, Mizuki!"  One of the gentlemen laughed out. Mizuki nodded and smiled towards his fiance. The brown haired man only stared at his plate, barely listening to the babbling around him. Mizuki sighed and turned back to talking with the others. The brown haired man got up and excused himself, but not before his white haired fiance could grab his arm.

"Where are you going?" He asked, showing fake concern. Iruka glared and pulled his arm away. 

"To our room, and I'm taking Naruto with me. So do not bother him." He said and went over to the blonde male standing at the doorway. Mizuki raised a brow at Iruka's attitude and looked to one of the servants. 

"Excuse me, that boy is supposed to be in third class now that he isn't needed. Please take him back." Mizuki ordered and the servant nodded. Iruka blinked and turned to Naruto. Naruto just smiled and nodded, allowing the servant to take him back. Iruka turned back to his fiance angrily. 

"I will be in our room." He said and walked out. 

"He's a pistol, Mizuki. You sure you can handle him?" Asked a maiden with long blonde hair. Mizuki tensed but nodded. A smirk plastered on his face.

"Well, I may have to start minding what he reads from now on." 

                                                               INT. CORRIDOR / B DECK

Iruka walked along the corridor, when a steward walking the opposite way greeted him. He smiled and greeted back, but as soon as the steward passed him, he ran to his stateroom. He entered the room and shut the door, walking over to the center of the room. He looked at himself in the large vanity mirror and something snapped inside him. With a loud cry, he clawed at his neck and ripped off  his necklace. In a frenzy, he teared at his clothes and attacked the dresser, flinging everything across the room. He grabbed a hand mirror and threw it to a wall, effectively cracking it.

                                                               EXT. A DECK PROMENADE, AFT 

Iruka ran along the B deck, his clothes torn and his face a crying mess. He was angry and filled with emotions he couldn't describe. It was eating him alive. A strolling couple watched him pass, shocked at the display of emotions. 

                                                                INT. THIRD CLASS GENERAL ROOM

"I'm just worried. He didn't look okay. If only I could just go up there and check on him." Naruto whispered. Sasuke listened and sighed. It hurt Sasuke to see him this way, so he grabbed his hand and pulled him into a hug. 

"I'm sure he'll be okay. If not, I'll kick their asses all the way to the luna.."He said, hoping to make the blonde male laugh. His little joke indeed worked as it got the blonde to cheer up a little and laugh. 

"You're silly Sasuke, Thank you.."

                                                                       EXT. POOP DECK

Kakashi was kicked back on one of the benches, gazing at the night sky. The stars glistened in the sky and Kakashi wondered if he could one day join those bright stars. His train of thought was broken when he heard Iruka run up the stairs from the well deck. They are the only two on the stern, well, except for Quartermaster Lee , who is twenty feet above them on the docking bridge. Iruka didn't notice Kakashi in the shadows and ran right past him. Iruka ran across the deserted fantail and hitched his breath in a sob. He slammed against the base stern of the flagpole clinging there, crying softly. He stared at the black water beneath him and started to climb over the railing, pulling up his long pants and clumsily climbing over.  Moving methodically, he turns his body to face the open sea. His back to the railing and the black water 60 feet below him. Below him are the huge letters of the name TITANIC.

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