Chapter 5 - Real Party?

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                                                                                   INT. DECK FOYER 

The stars lit up the night sky and reflected onto the sea, making the black water look like the beautiful night sky. Iruka crossed the A-Deck Foyer, sighting Kakashi at the landing above. Overhead was the crystal dome. Kakashi had his back to him, studying the ornate clock with its carved figures of Honor and Glory. It softly struck the hour. Iruka slowly went up the seeping staircase toward him, and Kakashi turned to him. A smile formed on Kakashi's face. 

"Want to go to a real party?"

                                                                      INT. THIRD CLASS GENERAL ROOM

Alive with music, laughter the room became a place to dance and drink. A band gathered near the upright piano, honking out lively stomping music on fiddle, accordion, tambourine, and piano. Everyone was dancing, drinking, smoking, laughing and even brawling. Sasuke handed Naruto a drink and Naruto gladly took it. Meanwhile, Iruka is dancing with 5 year old, Konohamaru, or tries to with him standing on his feet. As the tune ends, Kakashi leans down to the little boy. 

"May I cut in?" Kakashi asked and Konohamaru thought for a moment. He gave a big grin and got off of Iruka's feet. 

"As long as you don't step on his feet!" Konohamaru chuckled out and scampered off to his grandfather. Sasuke laughed at the boy and Naruto looked towards Iruka and Kakashi. He smiled and took a step closer to Sasuke, grabbing his hand and laying his head on his shoulder. 

"I bet that they'll kiss tonight.." Naruto inquired with a small laugh. Sasuke chuckled and nodded. 

"I'll back you up on that one.."

Kakashi and Iruka faced each other. Iruka was slightly trembling as he took Kakashi's right hand in his left. Kakashi's other hand sliding to the small of his back. There it was once again. An electrifying feeling that made the both of them want to get closer to each other. Iruka's face flushed with a small tint of red and he turned to look to the side. A sheepish smile on his face. 

"I don't know the steps..." Iruka stated embarrassingly. Kakashi smiled and leaned his head near the other's ear. 

"Just move with me. Don't think.." He whispered. The music started and they were off. A little awkward at first but gradually getting better. Iruka grinned at Kakashi and started to get the rhythm of the steps. 

"Wait...Stop!" Iruka yelled and bent down, pulling off his shoes and flinging them towards the side. He grabbed Kakashi and they plunged back into the fray, dancing faster as the music sped up. 

                                                           THIRD CLASS GENERAL ROOM

                  The room was rowdy and rollicking. A table got knocked over as a drunk crashed into it. And in the middle of it...Iruka dancing with Kakashi. The steps are fast and they shine with sweat, a space opening around them as people begin to watch them. The crowd claps as the band plays faster and faster. Sasuke and Naruto clapping and watching the two. Sasuke has Naruto in an embrace. Naruto's back to Sasuke's chest, arms wrapped around the blonde's waist.  The tune ends in a mad rush and Iruka steps away from Kakashi with a flourish, allowing him to take a bow. Exhilarated and slightly tipsy, Iruka does a graceful ballet stance, feet turned out perfectly. Iruka is hit with a steerage of folks who never had a young  gentleman party with them.They moved to a table with Sasuke and Naruto, flushed and sweaty. 

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