Chapter 3 - Come Josephine

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                                                                                  INT. IRUKA'S STATEROOM

"I know you've seen melancholy, and I don't pretend to know why." From behind his back, Mizuki handed Iruka a large black velvet jewel case. Iruka took it numbly and looked to Mizuki. 

"I intended to save this till the engagement gals next week, but I thought tonight, perhaps a reminder of my feelings for you..." Iruka slowly opened the box and gasped. 

"My it a-" 

"Diamond. Yes it is. 56 carats." Mizuki cut him off proudly. He took the necklace and placed it on Iruka. He turned to the mirror, staring behind him. "It was worn by Louis the sixteenth. They call it Le Coeuur de la Mer, the-"

"The Heart of the Ocean. Mizuki, it''s overwhelming." Iruka said softly, gazing at the image of the two of them in the mirror. 

"It's for royalty. And we are royalty." Misuki said, his fingers caressing Iruka's neck and throat. He seemed to be disarmed, and for the first time, unguarded.  "There's nothing I couldn't give you. There's nothing I'd deny you if you would not deny me. Open your heart to me, Iruka." 

                                                                INT. THIRD CLASS GENERAL ROOM

The social center of steerage life. It was stark by comparison to the opulence of first class, but it was a loud and boisterous place. There were mothers with babies and kids running between the benches, yelling in different languages. There is even an upright piano. 

"Come Josephine in my flying machine, going up, she goes up, up she goes.." Sasuke sang, while dancing around with Naruto. Naruto laughed and danced with Sasuke. The man at the piano, grinning as the two danced to his playing. Sasuke spun Naruto around and then pulled him close. They stopped once their noses were barely touching. Naruto blushed and stared into his dark eyes, while Sasuke slowly got lost in Naruto's blue ones. The man playing the piano, smirked and slowed his music. Forgetting that the world was around them, Sasuke and Naruto closed their eyes and leaned in only to have a whistle stopping them an inch away from finally kissing each other. 

"How adorable, dear Naruto..." Naruto opened his eyes and quickly composed himself at the person who interrupted them. Kabuto looked at Sasuke, glaring at how filthy he looked. " Naruto come here, your Master wishes to be with you." Kabuto said smirking and opened his arms. Naruto glared and stayed put. 

"You aren't my Master, I am not a slave. Not to you, or Mizuki. I'm a slave to no one." Naruto stated boldly. Sasuke blinked at the boldness of Naruto and turned to Kakashi. Kabuto's eyes flickered with anger and then calmed again. 

"Okay. How about I put it this way. If you don't come up there with me, I'll make sure your little friend here, ends up at the bottom of the sea." Kabuto growled out. Naruto's eyes widened but then a smirk found its way onto his face. 

"Kabuto, is there a reason you're threatening my friend?" Iruka asked, his eyes flickering with a questioning look. "Must I tell Mizuki, that you threaten one of his faincee's close friends?" Kabuto's eyes widened and he glared at the man. 

"Why are you down here Iruka? This isn't a place for such a royal to be in..." Iruka raised a brow and kept the man's gaze. 

"I came to thank someone for saving my life. Care to explain why you are here. A man of your stature should be up in first class?" He asked and smirked when Kabuto looked defeated. 

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