The Confused

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"You should stop snooping around little boy."

That's the last thing I can remember.



I snapped my eyes open and my gaze was almost immediately filled with dirt.I sprung up and stood as fast as I could, almost knocking myself off of balance. Quickly I brushed the dirt and dead leaves off of me. "Where am I?" I whispered to myself. I almost jumped out of my pants when someone's hand rested on my shoulder. Wait...was I wearing pants? I quickly glanced down and let out a lung full of air as relief washed over me. When I looked back up someone cleared their throat behind me. Suddenly they spun my around and their fist connected to my jaw. Hard. It felt like the pain was a bolt of lightening passing through me. I turned and threw a fist back around and stopped mid-air. "I could have s-" I was cut off by a bone crushing punch in my gut. I fell to the ground, holding myself. I have never felt this dizzy before. I blinked slowly as man with fire red eyes came into view. I smiled and looked up at him and scanned him up and down slowly. Leather clothes. Eyeliner. Red eyes. Scar on left eye. NICE!! "Boy are you checking me out?" He asked with a hint of hatred in his voice. "Your pretty sexy for a old man. Will you marry me?" I replied sarcastically. He kicked me in the gut and gave a low growl. "What's your name boy?" Still recovering from the blow I coughed and wheezed my name out,"James, James William." He eyed me up and down. I felt like a puppy that was about to get punished for peeing on the sofa or something. He gave another low growl and violently yanked me off the ground with as much power as he had. I went stumbling back and landed on my butt. "OUCH!" I yelled as I hit the ground. "Suck it up, cupcake." He retorted. He stuck his hand out in front of my and I flinched. "I'm Luis Wyatt. Pleasure to meet you James." He introduced himself and he explained to my why he was out here and I just nodded and threw in a smile just to peeve him off a bit. Except it just made him hit me. Maybe I should stop..nah too much fun. I mentally slapped my cheeks when a young lady appeared behind Luis. "U-Uh Luis..there's a girl behind you!" I shouted like five minutes after i first saw her like a idiot after a brick smacked me across the face. Great. Mental Face palm, please? I swear every time I'm around a girl I just freeze up. I studied her up and down and up and down until I felt sick. She had a natural golden tan and shiny black hair that reached her shoulders. She had the most gorgeous face EVER. I swear. My heart stopped. She had high cheek bones and purple eyes. PURPLE EYES. I'M IN LOVE BABY! SOMEONE CALL THE PRIEST! I'M GOING TO MARRY THIS WOMAN BABY! I guess I was drooling because suddenly I got punched in the jaw. Again. I held my face and stumbled backwards into a cactus. As I screamed like a five year old girl the cactus ripped my pants off. I looked down to see what my "future bride" was laughing about and I saw I had some how gotten a boner. Hmm..I wonder. Any one, Any one? It's that girl's fault! She turned me on so fast I didn't even notice it. I quickly covered my area and ran behind the cactus. "At least we know he isn't a girl," mumbled Luis.


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