Not exactly sure what this is but it's not a story.
And it's not deep and meaningful (sorry for the deceptive cover)
I guess it's just a bunch of rants, but i guess I'll still try to entertain you?
They say if you aim for the moon you might just lan...
Heads up If you know you're gonna be proctoring a room full of high school students taking a standardized test, DONT FUCKING WEAR HEELS.
We took the PSATs today and the guidance counselors aka proctors were strutting around in their 6 inch heels. Like I'm trying to concentrate on the quadratic formula or some shit, but all I can hear is the goddamn heels!!
When your sitting in a quiet school gym, the collision between a plastic heel and the hardwood ground can be really fucking distracting.
Kinda like this
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Y'all that think rain is annoying? Yeah it's sorta like that. Except it's not soothing ASMR.