Flash drives

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9 January 2018

Explaining HOSA competitions to 9year olds be like...

Me: "sorry I can't make it to your game on Saturday"

9yo that I coach for basketball: "awww why not?"

"I have a competition"

"What kind of competition? A basketball competition?"

"Umm, no, it's a school competition"

"Like a spelling bee?!?!?"

"Uhhhhhh yeah sure okay"

OKAY but a spelling bee with unhealthy levels of stress and anxiety, a clean playlist consisting of overplayed songs, crappy as hell edibles(barely), team bonding games that really only bond you to your lack of self esteem,  a roomful of tired teenagers that just wanna crawl out of their effing hosa attire, and a whole lotta passive aggressiveness towards the snobby schools.
Oh yeah and for most of us it's not really a spelling bee.

HOSA regionals is in less than 5 days and I still have to find a laptop that has Word software...and I gotta figure out how to transfer documents onto a flash drive...

I mean I know I should probably know how to do it, but I just don't know how to use flash drives!! Argshsgsg

It's just an essay! Why can't I just use good ol google docs?

Damn technology
Honestly, what's wrong with just printing essays like they did in the olden days?

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