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 Occupation: God of sunlight, medicine, art, music, poetry, and knowledge

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 Occupation: God of sunlight, medicine, art, music, poetry, and knowledge.

Symbols: Lyre, bow and arrow, swan, raven, laurel, larkspur, Cyprus

Classification: Olympian

Eye Color: Amber

Hair Color: Blonde

Height: 6'2

Marital Status: Single

Traits: Affectionate, protective, honest, sensitive, impulsive, egocentric, moody, jealous, possessive.

Biography:  Apollo was the son of Zeus and the Titan Leto, as well as the younger twin sibling of Artemis. He was hailed as the protector of livestock and the bringer of fortune and prophecy. Apollo played music for the Greek gods and goddesses on his golden lyre. He also taught humans the art of medicine and is sometimes referred to as "The Healer", having the ability to heal people of disease, but also spreading infection to those who anger him using arrows. Like his father, Apollo had many love affairs with nymphs and mortals alike.


Occupation: God of war and aggression

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Occupation: God of war and aggression.

Symbols: Helmet, shield, spear, serpent, vulture

Classification: Olympian

Eye Color: Grey (Red when angered)

Hair Color: Black

Height: 6'4

Marital Status: Single 

Traits: Active, supportive, protective, mean-spirited, rash, overbearing, defensive.

Biography: Ares was the eldest son of Zeus and Hera. He was praised as a warlord and feared for his incredible violence among the Greeks. It was said that he blanketed his bed with the skins of men he killed. Even though he appeared to be a powerful God, most stories place him in a position of embarrassment and humiliation, particularly when they involve his lover Aphrodite. When faced with the wrath of other Gods, Ares showed surprising cowardice. 

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