Chapter 2

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A/N I'm sorry for the long wait everyone! I really am! I had so much going on in my life in the last month, like being sick and studying for a LOT of exams and then being sick again *eye roll* *sigh* that I really didn't have time to write anything. I'm sorry again and thanks for waiting for me *sends finger hearts*

P.S. T/N=Team name, Bold=English

Y/N POV of Sunny's group members. She gave off a cold aura, but even though she looked cold, I could feel that she was actually a warm person. I sighed and nodded.

"Hopefully...I'm Y/N, if you couldn't tell already." I smiled softly and put out my hand to shake hers. She smiled and took it.

"I'm Jessica. It's nice to meet you." She said and then looked at the others, introducing them.

"The short one beside me, is Taeyeon, the leader of the group." She said which earned her a smack on the shoulder and a loud 'hey' from said girl. Though she didn't make anything of it and continued introducing the others.

"Beside her is Tiffany. She has a loud voice sometimes, so you better buy some earplugs." She told me, which made all the girls laugh, except Tiffany, who looked annoyed.

"Yah! Wendy-ah! Why are you laughing? You have a loud voice too!" Tiffany yelled at one of the five girls, making them laugh harder and me crack a smile.

As their laughter began to die down, my eyes caught onto the beautiful girl again. She laughed with the others but tried to hide her smile under her hand, which made me internally frown, because I really wanted to see her smile. It took a second for our eyes to meet and stay connected for a good amount of time, before Jessica continued her introductions. I broke the eye contact with a wink and saw her flush red, making me smirk.

"The tall one is Sooyoung and the pretty one is Yoona. They are the Shikshins of the group, so you better hide you snacks or they're gone in a second." She told me, which the two responded to with a 'hey', while munching on some potato chips they got from their bags.

"The one beside Yoona, is Yuri, the black pearl, beside her is Hyoyeon our dancing machine and at last we have Seohyun our maknae." She finished for her group and continued with the other five.

"That over there, trying to sneak up on Wendy, are Joy and Yeri. They always cause trouble for their unnie's." she said, making Wendy turn around quickly and smack the two on their shoulders.

"This here is Seulgi. She's good at dancing too." She said, making Seulgi smile and wave at me, which I returned.

"And the last one is Irene. She is their leader and a bit shy around strangers." Jessica finished. I smiled at Irene and saw her blush, though before anything else could be said, Sunny suddenly stormed through the door with a pissed of expression. She walked straight for me, pulled her fist back and swung it at my face. I heard all the girls gasp and three pairs of rushed footsteps run into the room.

"Argh?!" I screamed out as my head swung back and held my nose. I lost my balance a little and stumbled back.

"Boss!" three different voices shouted at the same time and then six pairs of hands helped me stand. I looked at Sunny daced for a moment, but quickly recovered.

"Well...that surprised me..." I said, slowly taking my hand from my nose to see if I was bleeding and luckily I wasn't.

"You freaking dumbass!" Sunny screamed and stormed out again, slamming the door. I watched the door fearfully, as if she would run back inside and punch me again, but nothing happened.

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