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@SaffronBarker: #Jaffron 😍😊💕 @JoeWeller

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@SaffronBarker: #Jaffron 😍😊💕 @JoeWeller

602k likes. 529k comments

@hater: can't you just face the fact he's taken
@hater1: @MaddieBennett come get this slag
@fan: Saff I love you but he's got a girlfriend
@hater2: you look like a mug
@fan1: yesss girl
@JoeWeller: saffron I'm happily together with Maddie and I don't have any intentions of ever getting with you I'm sorry
@hater3: phahahaha ^^ dead
@fan2: ignore em Saff you do you
@MaddieBennett: awhhh how cute 😊 but we're cuter
@hater4: yes ^ #Jaddie
@fan3: sorry Saff but #Jaddie
@Saoirse12345: who are you? No idea. Irrelevant? Yes. #Jaddie
@MaddieBennett: ^^ Hotel? Trivago.
@fan5: hahaha dead ^
@hater5: die

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