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@MaddieBennett: Paris is maddd especially with fave XO members (well @Stephen_tries is my fave but he couldn't make it) @willne @truegeordietg

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@MaddieBennett: Paris is maddd especially with fave XO members (well @Stephen_tries is my fave but he couldn't make it) @willne @truegeordietg

Stephen_tries, willne, JoeWeller, miniminter, taliamarmusic and 583,845 others likes this post

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@fan: you're so pretty wow
@hater: why are you even with them
@hater1: cheating on Joe ^
@stephen_tries: me and Maddie have that bond you know
@willne: shut up ^^ she likes me more
@fan1: read her caption will ^^
@miniminter: you always go away somewhere cool I'm gonna have to start coming with you
@hater2: ugly piece of shit
@wroetobennett: not rating the fact Harry hasn't commented yet
@MaddieBennett: @stephen_tried hehehe i love you Stephen
@MaddieBennett: YES @minimimter bring @taliamarmusic with us toooo and that would be my new favourite gang
@truegeordietg: that caption is obviously a big lie
@fan2: loool everyone wants to be her fave ^^^
@taliamarmusic: @miniminter @MaddieBennett I'm downnnn
@hater3: she's so irrelevant
@fan3: yeah^ 'irrelevant' with 10 mil subscribers loool and a record label
@JoeWeller: I miss you :(
@fan4: phahahaha ^ get over it she's having fun
@MaddieBennett: @JoeWeller miss you too, go out and have some fun babeeee

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