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@exposingcelebs: are @JoeWeller and @saoirse12345 dating? They've made multiple Instagram livestreams now and have been flirting lots while doing so

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@exposingcelebs: are @JoeWeller and @saoirse12345 dating? They've made multiple Instagram livestreams now and have been flirting lots while doing so. They also hung out a day after their latest livestream and posted this picture.... What does @MaddieBennett think about this?

MaddieBennett, wroetoshaw, saoirse12345, Realcalfreezy and 90,845 others liked this post

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@WellerWishes: Joe wouldn't do this to Maddie
@iLoveWeller: who cares? He suits sursh more anyways
@BennettWife: wtf?!? Joe is fucking stupid
@MaddieBennett: damn😂😭
@MaddieBennett: first Saffron, then Kate came back, now saoirse... who else do I need to look out for loooooool
@JoeWeller: fucking take this down
@lovelymads: I mean it wasn't really hidden was it?^^ you posted the pic and did the lives
@saoirse12345: ❤
@joeandsursh: YESS fuck me up^
@joewellerr.xo: this shit fucked up but as long as Joe's happy I'm happy
@wroetoshaw: wtf... Swear if you've cheated on Maddie
@daddyweller: you'd do what? ^ he'd smash you
@MaddieBennett: @wroetoshaw leave it hazza x ..... they can explain themselves 😊

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