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@MaddieBennett: it's very warm and I fucking love it b

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@MaddieBennett: it's very warm and I fucking love it b

realcalfreezy, wroetoshaw, ksi, callux, sazclose, JoeWeller and 336,394 others liked this post

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@fan: perfect girl right there😍
@fan1: I can imagine Joe crying right now at his loss
@wroetoshaw: ^ I can second that. What a silly mistake he made now he's stuck with a rat
@ksi: fuck me 👅👅👅
@hater: disgusting really
@saoirse12345: I really don't want to fall out Maddie
@hater1: ugly bitchhhhh phhaa
@realcalfreezy: they're my fucking Nike socks
@MaddieBennett: @wroetoshaw you're so fucking cute Katie is a lucky lady 😉😉💕
@hater2: I laughed so much when Joe cheated lol
@fan2: how sad lol ^
@MaddieBennett: @ksi okay daddy😉👅
@wroetobennett: no, Harry is your daddy ^
@MaddieBennett: @realcalfreezy your socks made it to Insta how cute😊😊
@MaddieBennett: @saoirse12345 probably shouldn't of slept with my boyfriend then babe💀💀

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