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(this might be a tad confusing as I'm using Kate in this photo as Maddie but Kate will make an appearance so just watch the names xx)

(this might be a tad confusing as I'm using Kate in this photo as Maddie but Kate will make an appearance so just watch the names xx)

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@MaddieBennett: second family💕🌍 @imamyweller

JoeWeller, ksi, wroetoshaw, imamyweller and 309,486 others liked this post

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@imamyweller: love you Maddie 💜
@fan: awhhh they're so cute
@hater: oh god Amy's so much better than you
@hater1: nah they're both shit ^
@JoeWeller: favourite girls💕
@fan1: awhhh bless ^
@wroetoshaw: come see me soonnnnn
@hater2: she's cheating on joe ^
@fan2: cuz she wants to hang with her best friend? ^
@ksi: 👅👅
@MaddieBennett: @ksi 😷😷
@fan3: phahahaha @ksi unlucky mate
@ksi: fuck you Maddie I beat the shit out of your boyfriend
@fan4: low^
@hater3: phahahaha yes JJ

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