Chapter 5 Is It Love?

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Prince Kendricks POV:

After going through all of the Provinces and the city of Moonhaven for a daily checkup of Kingdom welfare, me and Kelan finally got home to our beloved castle. We went up to our room quickly before we got called to any other duty even though we were sore. I had feeling, call it a twin thing if you want, that my brother wanted to talk to me and I could only hope I wasn't in trouble because I stole a crepe from the kitchen last week (apparently I'm not allowed to do so even though I'm a prince and soon to be king).
When we were finally in our room, Kelan shut and locked the door. It was usual for him to do that but not so quickly. I looked at him weirdly and then he said, "Do you know the story of how mom and dad met?" Of course I didn't so I said, "No." He then sighed and said, "Let me tell you a tale of two young people from two different places, who fell in love. Once upon a time there was a Kingdom called Moonhaven, it was around 1670 and the Prince was going out for a daily stroll and checking on the kingdom even though he didn't have to. He ended up in Fae Moon Province." My eyes widened in shock at that. There are rumors about that province. One such as the Fae Moon Province people are supposed to have mystical powers even though no one sees them use them. Kelan then looks at me to see how this information registers and then continues, "There he met a young girl. If you haven't guessed by now, the woman is mom and the prince is dad. Dad says he felt like he couldn't keep himself away from her, that he had to marry her and no one else would suit him. Mom says she felt as if she had gone numb yet sparks gone through her at the same time. They say it was love at first sight."
I look at him then ask him, "So why did I need to know this?" I was still not registering why I needed to know this and usually I'm the first one in class to get the answer right. So right now I felt really dumb. He then asks me, while looking down at his hands, "Did you see the girl, Rowan? Did you feel anything?" I look at him in shock but should of expected it since he's my twin and we have shared everything since birth and I nod at him but then realize he was looking down and say, "Y-yes." Kelan then looks at me and says, "Kendrick I think she's the one. I think we have found true love, just like mom and dad." I look away from him and wonder something. I then manage the courage to ask, "How do we tell them? How do we tell her?" With confidence in his voice he replies,"I don't know about our parents Kendrick, but we will tell her. We just need a plan."

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