Chapter 11 Mirror Mirror On The Wall

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Rowans POV:

I've been watching my back the last few days after moving into the castle. Something strange has been happening. I've been getting notes on the mirror. It looks like someone has been breathing on it then writing on the mirror using the leftover fog. Though they only repeat the same message "Watch Out", "I'm Coming For You", "Farmgirl You Won't Last Long Enough To Be Queen" and then the most recent one: "They Were Supposed To Be Mine, Now You Pay At Midnight At The Blue Moon Plaza Festival". The Blue Moon Plaza Festival is meant to commemorate the union of the Princes and me (the Kingdom loved the idea of the union of a peasant girl and the Princes together so we are getting married still). The Spiritmoon Province host all events due to it being the spiritual province and since the festival is a special event they are honored to host it. But I can't think about that right now. I'm scared of what will happen at midnight yet I'm also scared of what will happen if I tell everyone and if they get mad when I tell them it's been going on for a while week now. As I decide what to do, I feel arms wrap around and hear someone say, "What's wrong?" I then turn around and face my fiancés. I'm nervous and they can tell. They look at me and I start to cry while saying, "I have been keeping a secret from you both. Nothing too bad but still bad in a way." Kendrick bends down in front of me while Kelan looks angry and Kendrick says, "What didn't you tell us?" I then look up at him and say, "Ever since you two proposed I have been getting threats."

Prince Kelans POV:

"YOU HAVE BEEN WHAT?!" I look at Rowan then Kendrick and Kendrick looks angry and upset at the same time. "Kendrick get guards up here RIGHT NOW! AND GET DAD!" Kendrick then gives Rowans a stern look and nods at me and leaves. I then turn towards a closet and get a sword and scabbard out and put it on then turn towards the love of my life. She is still crying and is shaking with fear probably not only from the what may be very well death threats but from how angry I was. I walk up to her and hug her. "Honey, ssshhh. It'll be ok. I'm sorry for yelling but its a serious crime to threaten someone especially someone of the royal family and you are now part of this family." I wipe her tears away and kiss her cheek.

I then look at Father, Kendrick, and the guards as they walk in the door. "Go stand outside the door and watch guard. Don't let anyone in unless you inform me. Understood?" Father tells the guards, they then nod and go stand duty outside the door. He then turns towards Rowan. "Rowan, dear, I need you to think hard about who would want to kill you and why they would want to. They must have a motive. We also need you to tell us each death threat so we can get an understanding of what they are like."

She then tells us about all of the notes and so far we had nothing but they want to murder her until the last note. On the last note it made it sound like the person was jealous so we need a person who would be jealous of her being in the palace and with me and Kendrick because obviously "They" meant me and him. Though when she tries to think of anyone who could be jealous of her being with us, she can't think of anything. With no leads it was difficult but we decided to start with the fan club. Whoever it is, family or not, will be prosecuted in the highest order for threatening her.

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