Chapter 16 Rescued At Last

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Prince Kelans POV:

The guards had finally given us an update on this Lady Josephine. Apparently she has her own place in the Bloodmoon Province but stays with her mother in Rosemoon Province to help take care of her. She has taken up the career of weaver, the lowest job in the Kingdom. It says her mother is one of the best weavers and when her daughter was old enough to learn the craft, she started a family business. From what we know besides this knowledge, the weaver and John McKinley are not together besides being past lovers after his wife died. And when Josephine was born he wanted nothing to do with her.
This explains a lot actually. Josephine would want revenge as her father was not apart of her life and so when she finds out her sister is getting engaged to the royal family she decides to take action. We decided the best way to go over this was to part ways. We sent a group of troops over to her mothers house in case she decided to keep her there. Yet me and Kendrick have a feeling that she will be using her own house for this matter. So we are on horseback, with at least six men riding with us as backback towards the woods that lead to the Bloodman Province.

Prince Kendricks POV:

Silently pushing the door to the cottage open, I motion my brother and troops to head on inside. There is just enough light from the sunset to search the place so using hand signals, I indicate for everyone to silently check every room on the floor. I hear "All Clears" coming from everyone. But as I go to leave my section of the kitchen, I hear a noise that didn't sound like one of my men. Looking around I saw a trapdoor blending into the wooden floor. I motion for everyone to be quiet. I try to slowly open the door but it still manages to make a creak.
After it is fully open, I make my way down the stairs. This is when I hear a voice I have come to recognize as Josephine. "HOW DARE YOU?! THE PRINCES ARE MINE!" As I get to the bottom, I decide to reveal our cover, "I don't think we or anyone for a matter of fact will be yours anytime soon." She turns around with a shocked look on her face, her skin turning pale. "H-How did you get here?" "Nevermind that. Men take her away." She then starts screaming as two of the troops grab her arms."NO! NO! YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE MINE! THIS WASN'T SUPPOSED TO END LIKE THIS! YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO LOVE ME NOT HER!" Ignoring her, I turn to see Kelan already has untied Rowan and has her in his arms. "Let's go home shall we?"

Rowans POV:

Seeing them burst through the door was like a restart for me. I didn't realize I had given up but now that they were here I was ready for a fight. I was ready to fight for them. But just as quick as they got here the fight with Josephine had ended. It seemed like she was unarmed the whole time and only used her words against me. Stuck in my thoughts, I hadn't noticed that Kelan had untied me and was holding onto me like his life depended on it. That is when I saw Kendrick staring at us and he said, "Let's go home shall we?" "We shall." I would love nothing more then to go home and be with my twin princes, the ones I was given to love.

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