Chapter 9 Tears and Love

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Rowan's POV:

Once I got home from the ball and changed into my sleep clothes, I hopped into bed and started to cry. I knew royals marrying a farm girl was basically useless after tonight. Seeing all those girls who were prettier then I. Why did I even admit to myself that I had feelings for them? How could they love me?
You have to be rich, of noble birth, or of royal birth to marry someone like the Princes. I don't know why I just can't forget about the feelings I have towards them. I'll just try to forget I danced with them at all and think about the others I danced with.
Now I'm starting to wonder, I'm curious if Josephine, my neighbors daughter, was happy. While I was dancing with the Princes, she was glaring at something. Was it me or some guy? The Princes perhaps? No she loves them too much. I'll just forget about it and ask her later. For now I need to rest, it was a long night and Papa won't let me shirk work for more then one day. Who needs men anyways? I have my farm and animals. I don't need anything else in my life.

Prince Kelans POV:

"Kelan, mom is starting to wonder if we have chose anyone to be our bride. I think it is time we tell her or else things will start to look suspicious of why we are taking so long." I look up at Kendrick from my book and tell him, "I know let's just hope things go well when we tell them. Let's head down to the throne room." As we head down I start thinking of ways on how to break the news of our chosen bride. When I think of something I stop Kendrick. "Ok, so here's what we will do: we will head in there and tell them we have chosen our bride. When they question us on the word bride and not brides, we will break it to them that we have fell in love with the same girl. Ok Kendrick?" "Ok Kelan."
When we enter the throne room both mom and dad are there. Mom smiles while rushing to hug us, while dad just sits there with a serious expression on his face meaning he is ready for business. When mom sits back down, she ask, "My sons, have you chosen your brides yet?" Then father looks at us sternly and says, "Yes who are the lucky women that are soon to become my daughter in-laws?" At this I look at Kendrick and then back at our parents and sigh but Kendrick steps forward and mouths to me he has it.

Prince Kendricks POV:

After I mouth to Kelan that I will tell them, I turn to my parents to look at me expectantly. "Mom, Dad, me and Kelan have chosen a bride." This earned a joyful, relaxed sigh from both of them. "She is from the Rosemoon Province and her name is Rowan McKinely." I look at them for a reaction and my mom asks a question, "What about Kelans bride? Who is she?" Kelan answered this, "Well mom, Kendrick just told you; however, you didn't let him finish." He then looks at me so I continue. "Me and Kelan have chosen and fell in love with the same women and we have come to you in hope that you will understand and accept this."
This outraged our father who started screaming, "I will not understand!! You two will not marry the same women!!! If I have to separate you two and plan 10 different balls for you to get different brides then so be it!!" However our mom had different plans. "BLAKE YOU WILL SIT DOWN NOW!" At this father sat down and mother continued, "Our sons were coming to us in hope of us understanding them yet here you go throwing a tantrum and using your rule to try and separate them?! May I remind you their uncles, my brothers, did the exact same thing! So I am fully understandable and you met my brothers and their wife and you like them and understand their situation yet you can't for your own children?! How dare you!"
"Marie I'm sorry-." Mom cut him off, "I'm not the one you should be apologizing to." She then looked at him expectantly. Father turned to us, "Sons, I'm sorry. Your mother is right. I just didn't want anything bad to happen to you two or your future bride. Forgive me?" We still felt wary but we forgave him. Then mother clapped and said, "It is time. Messenger!" "Yes, milady?" "Call down the McKinely family from the Rosemoon Province at once!" "Yes milady." It was finally the time. Me and Kelan we're about to have our farm girl.

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