Chapter 15 Acceptance

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Prince Kendricks POV:

Not only had we already interrogate this Josephine but she had not uttered a word about being Johns daughter and related to Rowan. This has made me and Kelan frustrated to an extent. "Guards search for Lady Josephine immediately! I don't care what measures you have to take! I want to know what she does for a living and where she lives! And if possible I want her back here alive!" We are close. We will find you Rowan, just hold on a bit longer.

Rowans POV:

I have accepted my fate. If I am to die down here then I will die knowing that I at least got a taste of what love was like. If I am to get out of this bunker then I will marry the twins as I know now that I love them whole heartedly. I realized over this time down here that I still had some thoughts to take into consideration. Like "Is it too soon?", "Am I right for them?", "Are they right for me?", and the biggest one of all: "Should I let the prophecy control my life or should I take control?". I realized however, that we are perfect for each other no matter what the hierarchy says.
They love me for who I am: a tough, mud-ridden girl. And I love them for they are which so far I know as sweet, caring, over-protective, and I'm sure I will find out more traits to add to the list if I get out of here. But when it comes to the prophecy, I realized that was just to guide me into love. It was to help me figure out who I was and who I was meant to be with. I was never really meant to change, I just needed to learn to accept myself for I am so I can accept the love I get from others.
"Knock, Knock, Knock. Look who's back." Oh great, not again. "I just had a meeting with your so called men. They are searching for you but I wouldn't really call it a search if they can't find you after three weeks. Am I right? Now I know why you adore them so much! I mean just feeling those muscles under that shirt while "crying" over you missing. I can't wait until I can call those handsome men mine. I just love them so much." "Josephine all you seem to care about is their looks. I don't even think I can call what you just said love." "Excuse me?!" "Love is more then looks. It's about personality. You need to get to know the person. I will admit, I haven't got to know them all the way but I am sure I will one day. However, I am sure I am right when I say I know them better then you do." "HOW DARE YOU! THE PRINCES ARE MINE!" "I don't think we or anyone for a matter of fact will be yours anytime soon."

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