Chapter 13 Separated

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Rowans POV:

It was time for the ceremony. The Blue Moon had finally reached its highest peak in the midnight sky. I was to stand at the bottom of the stairs behind the low platform stage, waiting for them to call my name. When they did I would join them on stage and officially be announced Queen of Moonhaven. I was nervous though. Fidgeting with the hem of my long sleeve, white gown. I had ushered my guards away. They were only frazzling my nerves even more and besides if I was to get kidnapped or killed then the person would have shown by now right? Right now, I can't focus on all the threats. I was worried the people of Moonhaven would not accept me. That they wouldn't accept our relationship. How would they react when they found out? However, in the midst of my thoughts I found myself in a struggle against someone as they put a rag to my mouth to prevent me from screaming out for help. The last thing I saw was my hand reaching towards the moon, hoping, praying someone would come to my rescue. I guess the rumor about me changing my mind didn't sway their opinion.

Prince Kelans POV:

She's missing! This is the one thing we were worried about happening. We haven't even got to know her better. Things like what her favorite color is or what she does in her leisure time! Now we might never know if we can't find her! And her guards had left her side because they were given orders by their future Queen to take a break? We are the future Kings of Moonhaven and our father, the current King, also gave strict orders not to leave her sight! It has only been a couple hours but it feels like days. Kendrick already looks wore out. His hair combed through by his fingers every few minutes making it look like he just got out of bed, his eyes already starting to droop. I'm sure I look no better then him. If only we knew where to start?

Rowans POV:

I woke up later on that night. Or was it morning? I had no idea as time was no longer a factor. All I knew was that I was in an underground bunker bound by rope to a rusted, metal pole. There were no windows in this bunker, only a small lit lantern to give me some sight into what I was dealing with. All around me, I saw silhouettes of people. Thinking someone was in here I called out, "Hello?" No one answered so I squinted, trying to get a better look, only to see the silhouettes come from mannequins. Some were bare and others with clothing layered on top of them. I eventually saw the glint of spindles and spinning wheels from the little glow in the room so my guess was the person who kidnapped me was a weaver. Right as my thought came to a close, I heard footsteps nearing me. "Tch, Tch, Tch. Such a naughty girl. Stealing what is not rightfully yours. I gave you many chances to reject them but in the end you just had to have them didn't you?" This person sounds familiar yet I can't figure out who they are as they are making sure to hide in the shadows.
All I can tell is that this person is a lady based on her voice. This is when the unknown lady snaps at me, "Pay Attention! I didn't take you for nothing! At first I thought that if I can't have them then neither could you. But then I thought, why not kidnap her, leave her, maybe kill her? And then charm my way into the Princes life by telling them I was close to her. So close that I was not only her friend but more..." Wait, what is she talking about? Friend? That is when she steps into the glow of the lantern, a malicious smile on her face. *Gasp* "Josephine?!" "That's right sister." "Sister?" She's never called me that before, why now? "Oh, that's right. Poor old Pops never told you. Oh wait, you call him Pa don't you? Well you see after your Ma died Rowan, dear old John couldn't handle the grief along with 5 children. This is when he sought out my mother, the Kingdoms weaver but they ended up doing more then mourning together. They produced a child: ME! But he didn't want me. He kept me a secret for years and I've hated him ever since."

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