Chapter 12 What's Yours Is Mine

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Anonymous POV:

They still don't know it's me. So far so good. As long as they keep up their guessing game until the night of the celebration then I can kill her. Then I'll gets what is rightfully mine. They are rightfully mine. She doesn't even like them. She doesn't deserve to be Queen, much less be their wife. I can serve them better in more ways then one. I can serve the Kingdom much better then that pig. I gave her a chance to go back to that disgusting pig sty she calls a home but now......lets say times up, it's time to go to the butchers shop.
She was offered chances to come to the club. If she was in it then MAYBE I could accept the fact that she was marrying the Princes. If she didn't hold such a grudge against them for so long and participated in conversation about them then MAYBE I could accept the fact she's marrying them. Yet she's not in it nor does like conversation about them so I can't accept it. I can't accept the fact that she is marrying MY PRINCES. THEY ARE MINE. She is taking away my chance of happiness. So due to this she will die after I kidnap her on the night of the celebration. The celebration where they coronate her as the next to be Queen. The Blue Moon Festival. Beware I'm coming for you dear sister.

**Time Skip**

Rowans POV:

Today is the day: The Blue Moon Plaza Festival. This is the day that my coronation is to be held on. The day I am to be announced as Queen. This is also the day I may or may not be kidnapped or killed by someone who doesn't like the idea of me marrying the Princes and being on the throne. *Knock Knock* "Yes?", "IT IS TIME FOR THE FESTIVAL MY LADY!" *Sighs* Time to go put on a brave face. All smiles on the outside but nervous jitters on the inside. Time to face the people of Moonhaven.

Prince Kendricks POV:

The Blue Moon Festival. A day that was supposed to be full of joy but now is a day full of suspenseful, awaiting chaos. We have doubled our secret guards around the festival to keep a look out for anything suspicious and doubled Rowans personal guards just in case they can't get pass the crowd (as the secret guard are dressed as citizens enjoying the festival). We are hoping with the help of the "citizens", rumor will spread that the extra guards are there because we are overprotective and will do anything to protect our beloved. We also hope this might scare off any and all miscreants from attacking today.

Prince Kelans POV:

Our plan for today is to scare whoever may be attacking today enough to where they will do one out of two options:
1)they will turn themselves in after seeing the sight of our guards and hearing the rumor
2)they will not attack today at the festival but instead will choose to attack at the castle

We also don't care which option. We would love for option one but option two gives us the advantage of using our home as the attack base. After we were notified about the threatening notes our only thought was the person had a lay out of Rowans room. So we started protecting her room more and the anonymous attacker hasn't showed up since. We have thought since then that they might not know the way around the castle itself except the way they know to Rowans room so if we trap them then game over but if they attack at their base, Moonhaven Plaza, then it will be to their advantage. We won't know who they are or where they are and if they capture Rowan then.....I don't want to even think about how long searching the Provinces will take.

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