Chapter 8 The Royal Ball

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Rowans POV:

After the announcement of Princes arrival, it was time to mingle. Me and Pa went our separate ways, me to the banquet table and Pa to talk with the other Dads who were here to watch over their daughters tonight. As I walked to get a refreshment I saw many girls go to the Princes and some of the other nobles that were here in hope of marriage.Afterwards, I decided to walk around.
I saw Prince Kendrick dancing with some girl from the Province of Spiritmoon. You could tell because she had a deep blue dress on, white heels, and midnight black hair. While looking around for Kelan, I bumped into something. I looked up and I just so happened to bump into him. I felt so embarrassed.
"Your Highness, I-I ummm, I'm so sorry-." He cuts me off, "Rowan, please, it's ok. Seeing as you just bumped into me and I have yet to find a girl from the Rosemoon Province to dance with, why don't you dance with me to make up for it?" I look at him in shock and only nod, seeing as he is right. However, once we start to dance, I feel that feeling again. I'm back up in the clouds and I feel sparks once we touch. I hold back the tears knowing that this love can never happen. I am just a lowly farm girl. Out of everyone here, why would they choose me?

Prince Kelans POV:

I got so lucky. I thought I bumped into some random girl while on my search for Rowan but when that girl turned out to be Rowan, my heart soared. She looked so beautiful in her flower dress. It represented her beauty well. It made her brown eyes stand out. I just hoped this moment would never end.
When I finally came back to my senses, I realized she was embarrassed and was trying to apologize so I quickly came to her rescue and said she could repay with a dance. I was so glad when she said yes. When we headed off for the dance floor, my eyes met Kendrick's over the shoulder of a Spiritmoon Province girl. I saw he was taking his time finding girls. Rowan was to be his 2nd girl and she would be my last to dance with. That was our plan so it wasn't suspicious.

Prince Kendricks POV:

While I was dancing with the Spiritmoon girl named Dalila, my eyes met Kelans. He gave me that look and I instantly knew before he spun around with the girl in his arms that it was Rowan. After the 4 minutes of dancing with Dalila was up, I went walking around and acted like it was nothing when my brother was done dancing with Rowan not long after.
So I went in the opposite direction of Rowan, while acting like I was searching for girls then came up behind her and said, "Miss, may I have this dance?", all nonchalant, hoping no one noticed. She turned around shocked to see me but said yes. She looked absolutely stunning. Once we started to dance I was in heaven and could only hope that she felt the same way.

Rowans POV:

I felt a tap on my shoulder and heard someone ask me to dance. While turning around I went to say no but quickly said yes as the person who asked was none other then Prince Kendrick. As he gave me his hand to lead me to the dance floor, I knew this would be the hardest thing I have ever done. Love not gained but thrown away.

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