#1 - Arachnophobia Part 1

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Two students walked together down the halls of Milton Summers High. The shorter of the two, a Latin-American girl, fiddled with her wildly hanging brown hair.

"Anya, will you stop messing with your hair, its fine," said the other girl with odd purplish hair.

The girl mentioned before was indeed the very girl known as Anya Corazon or by a select few as Araña. She looked at her friend and then at her hair, "That's easy for you to say. Lynn, do you even care about your hair? I mean it's purple."

"It's not purple... it's..." Lynn stopped.

Anya looked at her friend whose jaw appeared to have dropped, "Hmm...? What is it?"

"Who is that guy? He's so hot!"

"Oh, God," Anya shook her head.

[Anya Narrates]: That's Lynn for you. Off one topic and onto another... Well, anyway, I'm Aña but due to most people's lack of ability to pronounce that 'ñ' in my name I just go by Anya. That's my friend Lynn Johnson. We're both seniors here at Milton Summers High and it's getting very close to graduation time. To think I'm already near the end of my time in high school, it was just like yesterday when I first started and got in a fight with the school bully which never officially took place. See over three years ago I went to Fort Greene Park to fight this jock named Trent. That's where things went bad. I got caught up in this battle between two old enemies, the Spider Society and the Sisterhood of the Wasp.

As Anya tells her story we see images of a tall man wearing a long black trench coat. He's ambushed by a group of men being commanded by a woman in a white dress...

[Anya Narrates]: Me being the dumb ass that I was back then, I went out in the middle of it threatening to call the police. Me, a 5'3″ fifteen-year-old high school student with no ability to defend herself... Anyway, one of the men, who I would later learn was a Wasp Drone, who were fighting stabbed me in the stomach. I almost died, but thanks to the man by the name of Miguel Legar I was saved. With the use of a spell I was healed inside the comfort of a web-cocoon and to top it all I was granted the powers of a spider.

"Earth to Anya!" Lynn shook a hand in front of Anya's face.

"What... what is it...?" Anya snapped out of her train of thought.

"That guy didn't even talk to me." Lynn expressed a look of sadness. "He turned away when I was asking him if he was new."

"Look I feel for you sister but we need to hurry up and get to homeroom. Then we can continue this delightful conversation..."

As the bell rang everyone scurried for their designated homerooms. Anya and Lynn found a pair of desks next to each other and sat down. The teacher greeted the students and turned on the television for the morning announcements. Lynn looked around and saw the same boy she was drooling over in the hallway. Different thoughts ran through her head. The most obvious were the thoughts about being ignored. And then she drifted back to drooling over him.

"Anya, this is gonna drive me crazy." Lynn pressed her elbows on her desk and rested her head on her hands. "I mean look at him. His brown spiky hair. He's clearly Puerto Rican... and he's talking to another girl."

"Lucas, you shouldn't have ignored that girl," said the girl sitting next to him. "That's no way to start off in our new home."

"It doesn't matter where we live, Jess," he answered. "They'll all hate me in the long run."

"You give up too easily. Living in Boston was rough for us, but you have to give these people a chance."

All that was heard from him was a low sigh. Lynn watched on.

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