#16 - Empire State Part 5

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Amun, previously a rival and nemesis of Araña, entered the lair of the Jackal who recently paid for his services in an assassination attempt on the Kingpin. So far no attempt has been made as he has yet to discover a way to get to his target. He tried getting information out of the Enforcers, but they were loyal to the Kingpin. Amun found the Jackal discussing something with the Crime-Master. He seemed to be not pleased.

"You!" called the Jackal. "Cancel the hit on the Kingpin. I need you for something else. I need you to go after one of Araña's companions."

"Tsk, do you think I'm one of your goons you can just order to do anything?" asked Amun. "I'm an assassin for hire and Araña and anyone connected to her is off limits out of respect."

"Now, now boy." The Jackal walked over to Amun. "No one said anything about an assassination. I just need a distraction. Araña and her 'New Slingers' as they like to call themselves have been a thorn in my side during this war against the Kingpin. It's time to pull out the thorn."


If the Jackal was displeased about current events, then how would you explain how the Kingpin is feeling after learning about what happened to his Enforcers?

"Five grown men defeated by a mere child?!" The Kingpin slammed his fists on his desk. "I saw it all. The Beetle was recording that embarrassment. We are at war with the Jackal and some of my best men are losing to children."

"To be fair I think he was a teenager," Ox cut in.

"What did you take time to ask him?" The Kingpin began grinding his teeth. "This is inexcusable."

Fancy Dan and Montana looked at the new Beetle who was standing quietly nearby as the Kingpin tore into his hired guns. There have been a number of people to dawn the identity of the armored Beetle, this new one was female.

"The number of superpowered people in this city has gotten out of control," said Fancy Dan. "What can we do against these kids with just guns? And if the Beetle was there why didn't she come help us? Is Tombstone's little girl too afraid to get her hands dirty?"

"Enough of this," demanded the Kingpin. "This war with the Jackal is far from over. In fact it's just beginning. It's time to go to work. Get your acts together. It appears the Jackal has put a hit on me. Find out what you can about this Egyptian assassin. Beetle, get out there and track down the young spider. Find out what she's up to."


Lucas and Rome, out of costume, walked in unison through the emergency entrance of the hospital while helping someone in. The heroes had gathered and broke Rome's family out from one of the Jackal's hideouts. Rome's older brother David Jr. was hurt badly and was carried to the emergency room. A nurse called for help from the medical staff and they took David. 

The next morning, the family was together in David Jr.'s hospital room. Jessica decided to stay with Rome as Lucas went with Anya to visit her father. The youngest of the Sierra siblings, Caitlyn, looked over her eldest brother who was resting at the moment. Their parents watched as Rome quietly talked with Jessica. David Sr. and Brittney looked at each other and smiled.

"Rome with how fast we had to move last night you never had a chance to introduce us to your friends," said Brittney. "Especially this young lady here."

"Yesterday was crazy," replied Rome.

"I'm Jessica Garcia, ma'am." Jessica smiled. "It's nice to meet you. I wish it was under better circumstances."

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