#12 - Empire State Part 1

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Finals were over and now it was graduation day for the senior class that included Anya, Lucas, Jessica and friends. Everyone was out on the football field. The students lined the bleachers next to the deck they were supposed to walk on to, to receive their diploma. The male students were on one side while the female students were on the other. In front of all of them sat the families of the graduating class. Gilberto and Erika sat next to each other with a vacant seat next to Erika. She looked at the vacant seat a bit peeved.

A short distance away behind the stands there was an orange flash. Elena teleported her way there and was dressed properly for the special occasion in a black dress. She quickly made her way to her seat next to her mother just before the event began. Erika shook her head clearly disappointed in her soon-to-be teenage daughter. The ceremony began as the students and teachers recited the pledge of allegiance followed by a lone singer who sang the country's national anthem. After the crowd's applause the principal of Milton Summers High School took to the podium centered on the platform between the bleachers.

"Good evening and welcome," started the principal. "As principal of Milton Summers High School it is my pleasure to welcome you to the commencement ceremony for the senior class. We are here tonight to celebrate the accomplishments and academic achievements of the young men and women seated beside us."

As the ceremony continued various speakers came up and spoke about the future, one such person happened to be Jessica who happened to be the class valedictorian.

"Before I speak today I would like to thank my family who will always hold a special place in my heart," she started. "Although today marks the beginning of my journey into adulthood I will never forget my mom and all she has done for me while always over working herself trying to keep the family afloat while our father was absent. I love you mom and let me assure that even though I now move on my own I will always find time to be with you even it's just for a short phone call. My little sister Elena, I have to thank you because you thought me to always believe in people. Your inspiration has changed my views in life in many ways. And most importantly I would like thank my twin brother Lucas. Despite all the hardships you faced you showed me that as long as you believe in yourself you can overcome any adversity. Oh and she'd probably kill me if I didn't mention her, my friend Anya Corazon and undoubtedly future sister who just being around has made my life very interesting."

Jessica continued on making jokes, quoting famous people, and giving advice to her fellow classmates. After she wrapped up it finally became time to call students to claim their diplomas. The principal re-approached the podium.

"Now may I ask that the senior class please stand?" the principal asked. "I will now call you in alphabetical order by last name, when called upon approach the podium to receive your diploma."

The students started moving as they were called. The principal passed those whose last names started with As and Bs and then some with Cs until...

"Anya Sofia Corazon!"

People cheered for Anya while her father whistled for her. She walked up the platform and claimed the hard cover that held her diploma.

"Jessica Grace Garcia! Lucas Nicolas Garcia!"

After getting their diplomas the siblings stood next to each other for a quick picture.

"Michael Gonzalez! Alexander Hughes! Lynn Johnson! Emi Kitane!"

Anya and friends looked around for the absent Emi. No one had heard word from her ever since she left for Japan to attend her brother's funeral.

"Jerome Sierra!"

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