#7 - Wasp Dominion Part 5

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Wasp drones heavily guarded the area. They were protecting their All-Mother, their creator and only other being they worshiped outside of their Lord Hechicero. These particular drones were deployed after word spread that the All-Mother was under attack. There was another squad of drones inside looking for the trespassers. Little did these drones know, the inside group had already been defeated.

"Hmm?" a drone noticed something in the distance.

He looked closer. He saw blurry figures walking down the road leading to the lair. As they drew closer their costumes became more visible. The colorful costumes belonged to a group comprised mostly of women. The only two men were one that looked like a giant red monster and the other a middle-aged man with long jet-black hair and a long black trench coat that matched the rest of his costume. The women varied in sizes, the largest dropped out of the sky and landed in front of the others. The only reason she was the biggest was because of her plated armor that shifted piece by piece as she checked the armor's systems. Of the other four, one wore a blue military-like uniform with a pair of brown goggles over her head. Next was a one in orange and black robes with a wasp symbol on her chest. The last two was one wearing what looked like a biohazard suit and the other who was covered in armor that shared the same red and silver color scheme as the other armored woman.

This group was the opposition of the Sisterhood of the Wasp, the combined might of the Spider Society and the Young Allies. Once opposing each other, they set aside their differences to take a look at the big picture. The real threat was the Sisterhood and if they wanted earth and counter-earth to be returned to their normal states they would have to work together. With that said there were two individuals missing from the group.

The wasp drone began to make the call for a strike against the heroes. Just before however he felt his right leg be grabbed by an unseen force. He looked down from the walkway he stood on to see from underneath the railing was an arm covered in orange leather. The person it belonged to clung below the metal walkway. He pulled the drone off and sent it falling several stories to the ground.

"Happy landings," said the Wasp Hunter Avispa. "For a wasp you sure do suck. Next time use your wings to stop your fall."

He pulled himself up and found himself surrounded by other drones. Avispa stomped his right foot and two waves of flames surged from beneath it hitting the drones in front and back of him. Out of nowhere another drone dropped to his side and kicked him off the walkway. In this situation his instincts told him to use his wasp wings to fly out of the fall, but there was a problem. He couldn't get them to work. All he thought now was that he was gonna fall to his death. That's when he heard it.


Avispa was caught in midair. He was saved by the only person that could do it, Araña. She swooped in and caught him under her arm and swung them back up to the walkway where they together were now surrounded by even more drones. "I heard you make a wisecrack earlier about that drone not using its wings...," she started. "Care to explain why you didn't?"

"I can't," he clenched his fist. "I can't feel the Wasp Hunter."

"He's weak now!" exclaimed a drone. "Destroy him!"

"I'll show you weak!" Avispa said lunging forward, punching anything in his way.

He knocked the drones around while Araña sent a high jumping kick at the ones in front of her. As the duo clean house the other heroes entered the scene. Estrella kicked a drone with the pointed heel of her boot. She was then knocked back into Nomad. The two shared a quick glance at each other and moved on to fighting. The thing about the drones wasn't that they were weak they in fact were hard to keep down. They were meant to take a beating, so that down the line they would wear out their opponents. The heroes didn't need any help being worn out. They were already there after dealing with problem after problem.

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