#19 - Lack of Willpower

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Lucas and the Spider Hunter stood face to face. This meeting was never meant to take place. The Spider Hunter was bound to Anya but now found itself using Lucas as its host. The blue spider tattoo that once was on Anya's upper right arm was now on Lucas's. He had his own markings before this happened. On the opposite arm in a similar position was his red ant tattoo and the area above his shoulder blades was an orange wasp tattoo, both were surrounded by mystical symbols meant to seal these tattoos.

"I know how you feel about the hunters child," the Spider Hunter said. "But there was no helping it. I had to bond with you to help Anya. Unfortunately, the Tarantulas left with her before we could do anything. I thought if anything I would be able to track her, but her whereabouts allude me. That alien must be able to prevent my ability to sense her."

"An alien?" asked Lucas. "What is this thing that cast you out of Anya?"

"It was a Klyntar," the Hunter explained. "I think the one you know as Spider-Man called them Symbiotes. Although they are benevolent, some have a tendency to become vicious and wild. While I struggled with the creature I saw its thoughts. It was cloned from the vile being known as Venom. It was used by a number of hosts before being recaptured by the Ararat Corporation which abandoned it to be later found by the Cult of the Tarantula. I am sorry to say this but it might be some time before we find them. Until that time comes you must fulfill the role of Anya and her mother before. You must now be Araña."


Lucas stood before a gravestone. Upon it read 'Gilberto Corazon, April 5 1967 - August 22 2017, Beloved Father'. Anya's father passed away just before the Cult of the Tarantula set its plans in motion. There was quite a turnout. Tons of friends came to pay their respects, including all of the Garcia-Gonzalez family and Gilberto's co-workers from the New York Herald. Lucas remembered standing at Gilberto's grave just before they lowered the casket. He was urged by the Spider Hunter at the time to look near the gravestone. There he saw the spirit of Gilberto's wife and Anya's mother Sofia, whom he assumed was here to guide her husband into the afterlife

Eight months have passed since Lucas last saw Anya. He had no idea where she was or if she was even still alive having been taken by the Tarantulas. He came to visit Gilberto's grave now and again to clean the gravestone with a tiny bit of hope that he would find his love visiting her father's grave. Lynn approached Lucas after giving him a moment with his own thoughts. Time had also passed since she learned that she was pregnant. She only had about a month left before her baby would be born.

"Lucas, I hate that you keep doing this to yourself." She stood next to him holding her belly. "I know you love her. I love her. But it's just like Jessica says, if she was unable to show up for her father's funeral what chance is there you'll even find her here? I'm starting to think she's also right about you moving on."

"I don't need you telling me this too." He put his hands up and backed away. 

"No stop," she pleaded with him. "Please I can't move as fast as you can right now. Look at me. I love you too. You're like the big brother I've never had. You've taken care of me these past few months and you're the uncle of my son. With my ex-boyfriend not in the picture, you stepping in and doing everything he should be doing means the world to me. It hurts me to see you like this."

Lucas wiped away a tear she shed. He could see in her eyes how distraught she was. He didn't know that he meant that much to her. He embraced her, wrapping his arms around her the best he could.

"Don't stress," he said. "I don't want anything to happen to you or the baby. It might be best if we clear our minds of this for the rest of the day. Let's go my mom is expecting us."

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