#11 - Cracks in Mister Perfect

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After dealing with the menace of Spidercide and Misterioso, Anya returned to her normal life. It was getting close to the end of the school year and the stress of getting ready for final exams was setting in. Anya and Lucas were inside the school's indoor basketball court. They were meditating. They faced each other while their eyes were closed. On the bleachers sat all of their friends.

"What are they doing?" asked Rome.

"Meditating," responded Jessica.

Rome looked at her a bit confused. Of all places to meditate they chose the school's basketball court. He decided to let it go and focused on Jessica who read a book while she explained the happenings on the court.

"Anya has been seriously stressed out recently over finals," Jessica continued. "Lucas is trying to help her calm down."

"That's cool," he started. "Do you need any help? Maybe I can give you hand. We could go somewhere and maybe get a cup of coffee and..."

"Okay, let me stop you right there," she insisted. "I know what you're trying to do and I'm not interested."

"What crawled up your butt? I thought I was being pretty nice."

"We may not know each other that well, but let me assure you that I have a keen sense of my surroundings. That sense lets me know when someone is being phony. You sir give me this terrible vibe that turns me off. Oh, and trust me that I know a thing or two about terrible vibes. Just ask my brother."

"Jeez, girl do you ever listen to yourself talk?" he asked her. "You can be a bitch some times."

"And you're an ass so let's call it even, okay?" Jessica stood up. "Why don't you go back to playing Mr. Perfect for the rest of your friends?"

Jessica walked up to Lucas and Anya and asked them if they could leave. Rome watched as Lucas got up and winced in pain. His sister put a hand on his chest and he reassured her that he was all right. Rome continued watching as Lucas put his arms around Anya from behind and together they said something that appeared to irritate Jessica. Rome dropped his head as the three he watched left the court. He so desperately wanted to talk to them about the truth and put an end to everything that's been happening but he couldn't. No one knew that he was the Goblin, masquerading as a villain to protect his family. It was hurting him that Jessica was seeing him for someone he's not. Although they've had little interaction he started to become interested in her.

Moments later Jessica walked in front of her brother and Anya. She was clearly mad about something. Lucas brushed his fingers through his brown hair while Anya giggled to herself. The fact that Jessica was mad was an understatement. She was fuming. Lucas contemplated his next choice of words carefully.

"Jess, don't be like that," he said. "It was a harmless joke."

Jessica stopped and turned quickly to face her brother. "It wasn't funny! I do not like that guy. You know what I don't know why I'm arguing with you. Just leave me alone."

She turned back around and stormed off. Lucas stepped forward but was stopped by Anya. She shook her head to tell him it wasn't a good idea to follow his sister.

"She took it way too seriously." Lucas was confused. "I don't understand why she got so mad. I'll just apologize to her."

"Don't." Anya held him back. "I was in on the joke to, so don't feel too bad. It was an innocent joke. Just let her cool off for a little while. She'll come looking for us when she gets over it. Until then let's just spend some alone time together. I can use some more help studying."

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