1《 Jake

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It had been a week since the outbreak began in Atlanta and Jake was on patrol that morning in search of some more clues or answers as to why and how this all started.

He decided to take a break as he was struggling to focus knowing Y/N was in isolation back at the hospital. She had been there for almost a day now after claiming she felt a little 'under the weather'. Dr. Cannerts, at the time, took all precautionary measures and was busy doing tests just to make sure she hadn't caught the virus. Jake had been determined to stay with her throughout the 48 hour period but Y/N insisted he should occupy himself with finding out the truth and after a few reluctant grumbles he finally left.

He was now walking down the brightly lit corridors as his boots hit the floor, echoing around. Glancing at each passing window, he was greeted with horrific sights of blood and the sound of painful screams. His pace quickened as did his hearts, hoping Y/N was ok. He removed his helmet and balanced it on his side as he checked to make sure it was safe. A white lab coat stood out and he jogged his way over to Dr. Cannerts who was busy talking to-

"Y/N.." A sigh escaped his lips as he took in the sight of the girl behind the shield of glass. She had a stunning smile on her face and her eyes shone brightly. Her skin had lost the pale colour of yesterday and begun to have an almost warm glow. His own lips twitched into a smile. "How is she Doctor?" Jake didn't really need to ask as he could see for himself but deep down he wanted the reassurance that she'd be just fine.

"Well, I've seen some improvements in Y/N's wellbeing. Her temperature has decreased and the symptoms she claimed to have, seem to be fading. I'd like to keep her here though until the 48 hour isolation period is up, to be certain but if Y/N is correct about not coming into contact with anyone or anyone who was infected then it's likely she'll make a full recovery." He nodded as he filled out some papers on the worn clipboard in front of him. "Now if you'll excuse me, I must get back to trying to find a cure for the virus before it gets any worse." The sound of footsteps walking away brought Jake out of his trance and he took a step forward.

Y/N moved off the tidy bed and made her way over to the window. Her eyes met his deep blue ones as she spoke "I told you that this was just a 24 hour thing" She smiled slightly. "You can't get rid of me that easily." Jake let out a soft chuckle and placed his gloved hand on the glass. She replicated his actions and placed her palm against the same spot as his. "How were things this morning? Did you find anything?"

Jake shook his head with a sigh. "Nothing but bodies and people wandering around...like usual." He shrugged. Their eyes disconnected for a moment as she looked at the ground sorrowfully, then their eyes met again with a new look of hope behind them. He lowered his head as his gaze fell to the floor.

"Hey..look at me." He lifted his head slighlty at the sound of her soft voice."We'll get there. At least we're doing something and who knows..." She took a breath "We could all even be out of here by the end of the week. You're doing a great job Officer Riley." She grinned and he shook his head as a smile crept onto his face.


Tick. Tick. Tick. Each sound of the watch on his wrist ment he was a second closer to being reunited with his girl. A moment he couldn't wait for, especially under these circumstances. He was both lucky and not that he had his loved one on the same side of the corden as him. Lucky that he knew where she was and that he could still be around her despite everything. Not so lucky as he was constantly faced with the fear of her being exposed to the virus and that made him even more protective of her than he was usually, something Y/N both loved and hated. She felt the need to constantly reassure him that she was capable of looking after herself and after a few moments thinking to himself he would agree but still he worried.

He briefly looked at his watch and quickly rose to his feet, making his way to her room. She was pacing back and forth impatiently waiting to be given the all clear and released. "That was the slowest 49 hours of my life." He spoke. They had waited an extra hour just to be certain due to Y/N's orders. Dr. Cannerts made his way towards them, nodding towards Jake in greeting as he entered Y/N's room. He did a few tests ,as they both waited in suspense, before finally stepping back satisfied.

"You're free to leave Miss Y/L/N. All symptoms have cleared." She let out a 'thank you' whilst following him out of the room. Dr Cannerts smiled at them before returning back to his duties leaving the pair alone in the corridor. Jake took in the sight before him with a grin plastered on his face. Strong arms suddenly engulfed Y/N, pulling her close and she instinctively copied.

"This isn't 4 to 6 feet, Riley." She joked.

"Just shut up and enjoy the moment." He laughed, pulling her closer if it was possible. In that moment he felt true happiness, something he hadn't felt since before the outbreak began. He was happy and so very deeply in love with the girl in his arms. That was all that mattered in that moment. All he wanted and needed was right here. "I love you."

"I love you too." She smiled.


A / N : I hope you like this one. Feel free to comment if you'd like and thank you for reading.

Kai Parker/Jake Riley ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now