8《 Jake

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A few days had passed and Jake had previously learnt that all had went well with the birth of his new baby girl. In the meantime himself and a woman he had met had managed to figure out what was really going on in the corden. Katie had become a good friend of his and helped him get through the days when he missed Y/N a little more deeply than others. They had took the information to Lex and were informed that they would soon be released, something everyone was happy and eager for. Jake had rounded up those that remained whilst they watched and waited as the containers and barriers were removed. They all filed out in an ordily manner and were checked over and offered a place to clean themselves up before they were to head home.

After Jake had sorted himself out he was heading to his car when he spotted Katie and her son Quentin. He jogged his way over to them, calling for them to stop.
When he had reached them, Katie offered him a smile in greeting.

"I thought you'd be home by now." She spoke.

"I was just about to leave but I saw you and I just wanted to thank you for everything you've done. Without your help and support in all this we wouldn't be here right now. So thank you."

"We all wanted this to end. I just did what I could to help. Speaking of thank yous, I owe you a few for helping me out with the children and Quentin. I know you had a lot going on and I appreciate what you've done too." She smiled as he gave her a nod in return.

"I'll see you both around then? "

"You will."

"Stay out of trouble." He joked before turning around and heading back to his car.


Jake had arrived at his apartment and hurriedly made his way up the stairs and inside. His keys were pushed into the lock and the door was opened, causing Y/N to look up from her position on the couch. Her eyes lit up at the sight of him and she hurriedly got up and made her way over to him.

"Jake!" she spoke with a wide smile on her face. He pulled her into a tight embrace as they were finally reunited. "I've missed you so much. I'm so glad your home and safe. I was so worried." she muttered with her face buried into his chest.

"I missed you more." He sighed. The two of them held onto each other for a little while longer before finally pulling apart, sharing a kiss afterwards.

Y/N noticed Jake looking around and guessed what he was searching for. "I just put her down for a nap not that long ago but you can still go and see her." she smiled and he nodded softly before heading to the bedroom.

It was the first time he'd seen his baby girl. His daughter. She was wrapped up carefully in blankets in the wooden cot. Her eyes fluttered and her fingers twitched as she peacefully slept. Jake was in awe of her. He leant down and placed a gentle kiss to her head before leaving with one last glance.


The pair were sat closely together on the couch just enjoying one anothers company when Jake spoke up.

"I can't belive this is happening. That I'm actually here." he said as he gently ran his fingers through Y/N's hair whilst she layed her head against his chest.

"Neither can I but I'm glad it's real." she spoke, softly.

"You know, being in the cordon wasn't even the hardest part of it all. The hardest part was not being here. Not seeing our daughter being born. Not being there when our first child entered this world. I hate that. It hurts that I couldn't be there no matter how much I wanted and tried to be." A few tears began to slip from his eyes at the thought.

Y/N sat up slightly and held his face in her hands with tears of her own forming. Her thumbs gently wiped away his tears as she began to speak."I know. I wish you could of been there too and I know you would have been but we had no control over it." She swallowed, holding back her tears before speaking again. "So, we'll be there together for her now no matter what." she smiled at him softly and placed a kiss on his cheek as he held her close once more.  He was home safe and with those he loved most ready to start the next stage of their life together.


(A/N) : Hello! This was the final part to the 3 part Jake imagine. I know it was short but there wasn't much left to write. Also I changed part 2 slightly so I'm sorry if you found this one confusing. Anyway I hope you enjoyed reading this, thank you again for reading 😊💙

Kai Parker/Jake Riley ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now