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It was Christmas eve and Y/N was busy preparing for the party that was later that night. The ovens were full of slow cooking food and colourful icing was being delicately coated on the freshly made cupcakes.

The door opened, suddenly, letting in a cool breeze before quickly being shut. Kai shivered and rubbed his hands together for warmth.

"Are you sure it's illegal to kill carolers?" Kai asked in a serious tone as he walked into the kitchen.

"A hundred percent sure. Why?" Y/N asked her boyfriend with a sigh.

"They're just so damn annoying with all their Christmas cheer and awful singing. Christmas is the worst holiday of the year. " His face showing his disgust.

"Wow, I had no idea the Grinch was a real person." she joked, partially.

He wrapped his arms around her waist from behind and rested his chin on her shoulder. "What can I say? I'm enjoying spending eternity on the naughty list."

He trailed a few kisses down her neck. He spun her around, still in his arms, to face him him. A smirk spread on his lips before he continued with his plan of distraction. The cold rings on one hand lightly brushed against her bare arm, causing a slight shiver to run through her. He brought his face closer to hers, slowly, and she leaned in for the kiss...but it never came. When her eyes opened, she saw Kai a few steps back and munching on a cupcake.

"Kai!" she yelled. She was not only annoyed that he had tricked her to get a cupcake but also at the fact that those were meant for the guests, her friends, tonight.

He flashed a cheeky smile before throwing away the empty wrapper and making his way to the steaming pans of food. "Need some help. I'm an excellent cook, or so I've heard. " He stated in reminiscence of their first date in which he'd cooked her a three course meal when they were stuck in the prison world.

She held back a smile from the memory, still annoyed at his previous actions."No."

"You're loss." He shrugged. He picked up a shiny silver knife from a new collection he'd never seen. "Where did you get these?" he quizzed, studying the blade.

"Passed down through the family." she spoke, concentrating on the preparations once again.

"These could come in handy for later." Kai mumbled to himself with a grin.

"How about we don't stab anybody this christmas with the fancy cutlery?" Y/N suggested with a serious tone. "I had to throw away last years because it was stained with Damons blood.

"So it's fine for me to use anything else for torturing." He ignored her last comment as a devilish grin spread on his face.

"No. Everything is off limits. There will be no violence of any kind tonight...please. I just want one normal happy Christmas for once." she sighed with a sad look in her eyes.

Kai noticed this and was about to speak up until the sound of Y/N's phone ringing interrupted him. He grabbed it off the nearby table and answered it after reading the caller ID." Ho ho ho, bitch. What do you want?" He smirked, already awaiting the angry reply.

"Kai." Elena replied with, he guessed it, annoyance. "Where's Y/N? Why have you got her phone?"

"So many questions which I'm going to give zero answers to, especially after you ignored my question."

Y/N rolled her eyes at him.

"Maybe because you- nevermind." Elena sighed, deciding to ignore his comments. "I called to let Y/N know we all can't make it tonight due to the weather. I know how much she loves to spend Christmas eve with-" She was cut off by Kai ending the call with a roll of his eyes.

"Who was it and what did they want?" Y/N asked with a soft smile.

Kai suddenly felt uneasy and made his way to the window, taking a quick peak outside. "They can't make it." He spoke.

"Oh, well at least there'll be enough chairs for everyone this year, I suppose." her smile slightly fading.

"No, I mean none of them are coming." He stepped towards her. Angry thoughts flooding his head.

Her face fell completely. "But.. I-Why?" she frowned, no longer masking her hurt.

Kai felt hatred. Though the group had no control of the weather, he hated the fact that they had let her down. That she had gone to so much effort and got nothing back. That the happy Christmas she wanted this year had already been ruined. "There's a blizzard. It must of started while we were busy in here." He reached for her hand, caressing her knuckles.

"Right." she mumbled with a slight nod, hating the fact she was so upset by it all. Her eyes drifted to the floor as her head lowered.

"Hey, look at me." He spoke in a soft tone, something he rarely did and something he only did with her. His fingers lifting her chin for her to meet his gaze. "We are still going to have that normal, amazing Christmas that you wanted and you know food never goes to waste with me." He gave her a reassuring smile.

She laughed lightly. Both of their faces brightening.

Her gaze shifted to the view of the recently opened window, only now realising the reality of how bad the weather was

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Her gaze shifted to the view of the recently opened window, only now realising the reality of how bad the weather was. "I cant believed we're snowed in! What are we supposed to do all night?" she questioned.

"I can think of something." Kai said with a smirk before leaning forward and capturing her lips in a kiss. One that got more heated and passionate as time passed.


(A/N) : Hello! Sorry it takes a while between updates but Im either super busy or have no inspiration to write, or both. Anyway I hope you enjoyed reading this one. I really enjoyed writing it. I'm in the christmas spirit, as you may tell, so my next few imagines may be Christmas based but I hope you'll enjoy them.

Kai Parker/Jake Riley ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now