9《 Jake

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It was a day that he had been waiting for for a while now. After a long process of tests and training, there was a lull of time for waiting. Waiting for possibly life changing news.

It was early morning when Y/N was awoken from her slumber by an incessant noise blaring around the room. She groaned, pulling the covers over her head and tried to block out the noise. A loud sigh escaped her as she turned on her back, nudging her boyfriend in the process.

"Jake." Nothing. "Jake." she spoke a little louder this time but it ended in the same result. Her elbow connected into his side once more as she tried again. "Jake, wake the hell up and answer your damn phone!" 'Finally' she thought as she watched him half open his eyes with a groan.

Jake, still half asleep, reached his arm to the beside table and picked up the mobile, bringing it to his ear. It was quiet for a few moments as Jake sat up, carefully listening to the person on the other end of the phone. That was until he jumped out of bed and startled Y/N awake once more. After a quick goodbye, he hung up with a wide grin on his face.

"This better be worth my valuable sleep time." she mumbled as she slowly sat up and rubbed her eyes.

The smile never faded as he began to speak. "They've offered me the job! I'm officially a part of the police force!"

Now her own face matched his as she leapt up. "Oh my god, that's amazing!" she yelled as she pulled him into a tight embrace. "I'm so happy for you. I know how much you've wanted this and how much you've done to get here."

"Thank you. I can't believe that this is actually happening." He said as he pulled back but kept his arms around her waist and hers around his neck. "You know what this means.." his face showing a hint of a smirk.

"No, were not having a pa-"

"We're having a party."

She let out a half playful groan. "Can't we just have a small get together? You could invite Lex and that girl he's started seeing. She seemed nice the last time we hung out. " Y/N suggested with a hopeful look on her face. "You could do the party another night though?"

"Fine but you're being a part of both. You helped me throughout this and I want my girlfriend by my side as we celebrate."

"Of course I'll be there." she smiled lovingly up at him.

Their lips met in a sweet kiss before they pulled back.

"You know we can also celebrate in other ways too." Jake smirked as he began to lead her back towards the bed.

"Well let me give you my celebratory present then." she bit her lip as they fell back onto the bed and began a passionate kiss, leading to more as time passed.


Night had soon arrived and Y/N was currently finishing up the food preparations. A hand reached out and grabbed at the neatly prepared snacks only to be swatted away by a scowling Y/N.

"What? You've made more than enough food." He pouts, leaning against the counter and resting his chin on his palm.

"I was taught that you can never have enough food." she stated as she began to set the table, ready for Lex and Jana.

"I don't know about you but I worked up quite an appetite earlier." He wrapped his arms around her from behind and placed a gentle kiss to her neck.

"You're still not getting any food until we actually all sit down to eat." she shrugged him off as the door bell rang. "Speaking of.." she opened the door and invited the pair inside.

They came bearing gifts. Smiles wide as they each hugged the couple.

"Congratulations and welcome to the force." Lex grinned as he shook Jake's hand.

"Thank you! It's good to finally get there." Jake replied as he led them in, offering each a drink to start the night.


The night was full of praisal and joy. Everyone enjoyed the food and the constant flow of drinks as they discussed a variety of things.

It was fairly late when Lex decided it was probably time to leave. The group all bid their farewells before Lex and Jana left the couple alone.

Y/N began cleaning up when a pair of arms wrapped around her, stopping her in her tracks.

"Let's leave all this until tomorrow. Its late and we should probably head to bed." He rested his chin on her shoulder as he watched her expressions.

"I don't like to leave things a mess though." she whined as she continued washing the plates and cutlery.

"It's only for one night." He sighed. "If I have to, I'll drag you to bed." This caught her attention and she turned in his arms to face him.

"I don't think you have it in you. As you said earlier, you're tired." she smirked.

He flashed her a menacing smile and proceeded to lift her up and over his shoulder, carrying her to the bedroom. "what were you saying?" Jake joked with a smug smirk.

He placed her on the bed and noticed her eyes rolling at his comment. The pair quickly got ready for bed and were soon cuddled up under the heap of blankets.

"Thank you." Jake whispered into the quiet atmosphere.

"For what?" Y/N quietly giggled at his words.

"For sticking with me eventhough I've been a jerk at times. For supporting me and helping me. If you hadn't of been around and supporting me then who knows what I'd be doing right now. It's thanks to you that I even got this job." He whispered in reply.

She smiled and looked up at him, still laying in the embrace. "That's what girlfriends are for. I still think you should give yourself some credit. You worked really hard for this. I love you and you deserve something good for once." she leaned her head closer to his and placed a gentle kiss on his cheek.
"Now, get some sleep since you were apparently so tired earlier." she joked causing Jake to laugh.

They cuddled even closer and drifted of to sleep. The day had definitely been life changing and most importantly for the better.


(A/N) : I know its been a while since I last posted, sorry, but I've been super busy lately and I also haven't had any motivation to write. I've been slowly working on this chapter and adding to it bit by bit. I hope you enjoyed it and thank you for sticking with me and taking the time to read these. I'm not sure when I'll upload again so until then, it's goodbye for now. - ScarletTopaz 💙

Kai Parker/Jake Riley ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now