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Talking. That was something Kai Parker was best at doing. He could talk for hours about anything really and for some that felt like torture which is exactly how Damon felt right now. It may seem easier to tune out the consistent noise coming from the siphoner's mouth but every now and again he'd share something useful so it was a better option to listen.

"The fries are actually good here, weird right. I looked at the reviews for this place and they do not match up to what's in front of me right now." Kai rambled as he scrolled through his phone. Damon rolled his eyes.

"How's that helpful? We've got bigger problems to deal with right now like the fact that the devil himself is trying to drag you back into the fiery pits of hell but annoyingly I can't let that happen because for some reason Y/N seems to think your worth saving." Damon grumbled.

Kai raised a hand mid chew before swallowing the food to be able to speak.
"Speaking of Y/N, I hate that I'm about to say this considering your relationship with Elena is just- ugh.." He muttered pulling a disgusted look as if reliving a memory. "I'm going to need some input on something. You see.." He took a quick sip of his drink before continuing. "We seem to have had a bit of a disagreement and me being, well me, I don't know what I've supposedly done wrong."

Damon groaned already fed up with this conversation.

"Hey, I had to listen to your mushy crap with Elena in the prison world. It's only fair you listen to me now. Anyway, as I was saying.. I came home the other night,right. Covered in blood you know, the usual. She started asking these questions like 'Where have you been' and 'what have you done'. Then I was all like "I was just enjoying a blood bath" and I laughed but she didn't laugh, which is weird right- I mean doesn't she know who she's with. I'm a sociopath. It's not like I tried to hide it. She started pacing back and forth and then randomly she..hugged me." He frowned. "Then she walked off... I'm just a little confused as to how she feels because I honestly couldn't tell if she was genuinely concerned for my wellbeing or if she'd wanted to join me on my little murder spree. I tried to kiss her this morning however and she pulled away so now I'm starting to think maybe she's angry? Do you think she's angry?" he trailed off talking more to himself at the end.

"No I think she's ecstatic that you murdered a bunch of innocent people for the fun of it." Damon rolled his eyes.

"Really? Huh. Maybe I read her wrong. I tend to get my emotions mixed up." He mumbled to himself.

Damon face palmed. "No, you idiot! Of course she's angry at you. She's a human for godsake. She's going to care about other innocent human lives. That's who she is as a person."

"You know, you really need to get better at giving advice because you just confused the hell out of me.. huh that's ironic because I escaped hell..." Kai laughed to himself. " Oh, look who's calling." He held up his phone showcasing Y/N's caller ID before pressing answer and placing it to his ear. "Hey, so I was just telling Damon about last night and he seems to think your mad at me. That's crazy right." He chuckled.

"He's right." Her tone of voice showing her annoyance.

"But.." She cut him off.

"You can't go around killing innocent people Kai! Look I don't want to argue with you because I know how things could turn out so please just stop taking the lives of good people." She sighed.

"So I can kill anyone else then?"


"Fine. Fine. I'll try my best to have some humanity for you sweetheart but remember, I've got a reputation to upkeep so keep this between us." He told her.

"What like you keep what goes on in our relationship to yourself?" She questioned.

"Fair point. But hey, I don't tell them everything. However, if you ever want me to discuss our sex-"

"No! No, don't you dare. Goodbye Kai." He chuckled to himself as the call ended before going back to eating his fries and talking Damon's ear off.


(A/N): This one is a short one but I wanted to write something about Kai after listening to some songs that reminded me of him 😂 but anywayyyy I hope you like it. I watched the scene where he's with Elena in the grill as inspiration for the rambling but honestly I love it.

Kai Parker/Jake Riley ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now