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One year ago

A Fight was taking place at the moment between a witch and a vampire. This was becoming a normal occurrence for the town of Mystic falls and everyone was slowly growing tired of it. Well, everyone except Kai Parker. He had an ongoing grudge to bear upon those who wronged him and happily made each one suffer.

Damon had come up with a plan to rid the town of this nuisance once and for all. This plan consisted of something more deadly than the Gemini witch himself. Something of a legend. A myth even. However it was very much real as Kai was about to find out.

"Given up already Damon? Can't say I'm suprised." Kai smirked.

"Well speaking of suprises, I've got a little present for you." Damon stepped aside to revel something.

"Who's this?" Kai frowned, slightly amused.

"This..is Y/N. You must have heard the stories. She's a living legend." Damon was now the one smirking as he took in Kai's baffled look.

"Nice try but that was nothing more than a myth." Kai stood straighter, glaring at the two of them. The girl took a step forward, eyes narrowing at the man before her before showcasing a devious smirk. With the snap of her fingers she had Kai groaning in pain as his hand clung to his chest.

"Does that feel like a myth to you, darling?" She intensified the pain in his chest causing him to fall to his knees. "I'm the most powerful witch to ever live. The original witch. I created your weak little covens and destroyed every enemy I've ever faced. You..are nothing compared to me." Her jaw tightened before she stopped the spell she had placed on him.

Damon was long gone, having put his trust in Y/N that she'd finish this without a need for help. This left the two of them who were now stood face to face radiating pure anger.

"How is it possible? You should've been dead long ago."

"Are you really that idiotic? Anything is possible. You and I being here right now proves that. I however have the upper hand being an immortal witch and all."

"Well..bring it on." Kai evily grinned. He raised his palm towards her and began chanting "Phesmatos incendia." (A/N: Sorry if I've misspelled it) However, nothing happened. Y/N erupted into a fit of laughter at his failure.

"Kai. Kai. Kai..oh." She calmed down slightly. "Did you really think I'd come without considering every possibility? I'm over a thousand years old." She shook her head in amusement. "You need to do better than that." With that she lunged forward and pierced his skin with the wood from a previously broken table. A hand flew to his stomach where the sharp object was lodged whilst the other went to her throat with a tight grip. She had one hand on the weapon, slowly pushing it in, and another on his raised arm.

"You might as well give up Kai." She spoke through gritted teeth, watching as the blood and sweat poured from him. He looked at her once more with a grin.

"Better yet.." He took a painful breath as his eyes shone menacingly. "How do you feel about making a deal with the devil?"


Present day

Y/N rolled over in her warm bed and let out a peaceful sigh. Her eyes slowly opened to see the faint bits of light that danced through the curtains. She climbed out of bed and headed to the kitchen, letting out a yawn as she rubbed her eyes. A warm cup of tea was soon in her hands as she basked in the early morning sun that came through the window to illuminate the room. It was peaceful for a change and it was moments like these that she loved most. Although she loved being the most powerful witch around, she also loved more than anything to have a day of normality. After all, she was human once.

Her moments of solitude were sadly soon interrupted as she was spun around with her back being pressed against the counter. The cup was quickly removed from her hands and finished with a gulp before being placed down. Immediately after there were lips placed against her own and she wrapped her arms around her lovers neck. In return they lifted her up on to the counter and continued to cover her with gentle kisses.

"Morning." He spoke with a smile.

"Morning to you too, darling." She chuckled as he pulled her closer to him. She placed a kiss against his lips with a soft smile. "I'll never get used to this."

"A thousand years without love can do that to you."

"Coming from the expert?" She teased.

He shrugged and wrapped his arms around her waist. "All it took was one deal and look at where we are now, one year on. The most powerful immortal beings there is. The strongest as a team. I often wonder though..what persuaded you to accept. I mean, you could've easily killed me back then but you chose not to. Why?"

"I think I wanted to try making allies for once in my life and you were the first person to ever fight back and offer me something out of it. Living centuries alone was something I could no longer do and so I took your offer, although I'll admit I never expected much to come of it. Not like this." They met each others passion once more, enjoying the morning of normality while it lasted.


( A / N ) :  Hello! I finally got in the mood to write again today. I hope you enjoyed this one. Next chapter will be part 2 of the previous Jake imagine but I'm not sure when that'll be uploaded as of yet so stay tuned. Thank you for reading! 😊💙

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