10《 Jake

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The viral outbreak had been ongoing for 3 weeks now and everyone was beginning to give up hope that it was ever coming to an end. Fear was spreading fast with each news of death. Buildings were on lock down. One of those buildings was the hospital where doctors were working tirelessly to keep everyone safe and to find a cure.

The hospital held a few people, other than doctors and ill patients, who were told to stay for safety. This included Katie, a teacher, and a few of her students that were left with nowhere to go. Jake, a police officer and also Y/N. They'd all got on well and often spent many a night up talking about any and everything. Y/N grew close to Jake over the time they'd spent together. They'd often shared flirtatious jokes and looks. Both secretly hoping for something more one day as time passed. Y/N, however, held back from expressing her feelings believing Jake was more interested in Katie. That was far from the truth as Jake in fact only had eyes for Y/N, something Katie constantly pointed out to him.

It was 2 days before Christmas and Y/N was currently sat in the back of the waiting room observing Katie's lesson to the few children. They were recounting the origin of Christmas. Jake was out on patrol.

"Miss, won't Santa have to stay away from here this year?" a young girl asked with slight sadness.

"Possibly. We don't want him to get sick." Katie replied, noticing the downcast look on each child's face. "Lessons over for today. You can go talk or play but stay in this room." she informed and headed over to Y/N who was staring into the distance, lost in thought.

At that moment, Jake walked into the room carrying his helmet in one hand. He sent Katie a smile and turned to look at Y/N who hadn't noticed his arrival.

"What's up with her?" he asked, tilting his head towards her.

Katie shrugged. "I just finished teaching so I've only just come over here." She stepped somewhat closer to Y/N but remembered to keep four to six feet as instructed. "Hey, Y/N. Are you ok?" she questioned with a frown.

The woman finally looked up now aware of both Katie and Jakes presence. "I've got an idea!" she stated, excitedly as she jumped to her feet.

"Ok?.. And what would that be?" Jakes face showing his confusion at the sudden outburst.

"We could decorate this room with all the hospital's Christmas decor. Make it more cheery and festive especially with it being nearly Christmas." she suggested with a bright smile.

"That's probably not a good idea. You could end up bumping into someone with the virus whilst looking for stuff and end up contaminated. The decor could already be contaminated if they even keep any here and then everyone could end up ill." Jake rambled, pointing out the issues.

"I'll take the risk of getting ill. I just want to put a smile on peoples faces, most importantly these kids who are missing their families and can't spend the holiday with them this year. They deserve something good and hopeful for a change. We all do." her lips formed a sad smile before she continued to speak." I'm doing this. You go out everyday, actually putting your life on the line for all of us, so I'm going to do this one simple thing for all of you. If it bothers you so much I'll wear all the protective gear I have." she rolled her eyes and began to get ready. Once done she left an annoyed Jake with the others.

"She's right you know. We could all do with some cheering up." Katie said. "If you're bothered about her safety then go with her and you can keep an eye on her." she suggested having noticed Jakes feelings, this time protective, towards the woman once again.

He thought for a moment before nodding and adjusting the helmet onto his head once more, leaving the room to find her.


Kai Parker/Jake Riley ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now