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It was another repetitive day in the prison world. Y/N and Kai were stuck here without a choice and only each other for company. They had slowly, after a lot of arguing, became close over the past few months. In all honesty, it was hard to tell what that meant for them both but it was better than being all alone.

The night was drawing in as they sat in Kai's childhood portland home, mindlessly chatting to one another. However, the conversation took a turn.

"Why, of all places did you decide to stay here? This world is completely empty. You could've lived anywhere, so why here?" A question she had been eager to ask since the moment he first brought her to the place where it all began. They had briefly discussed what happened and why Kai was stuck here not long after they first met. Kai being blunt and remorseless throughout.

"I don't need a reason." He rolled his eyes as he leant back against the dark brown leather couch, a glass in hand.

"Well no.. but there is one. I can tell."

"Last I remember you're a human and I'm pretty sure that reading minds is a witchy thing." He smirked.

"I'm still right." She shrugged.

"Yeah well, I don't want to talk about it." He chugged back some of his drink and moved to sit forward, resting his arms on his thighs.

"It might help to though." She pushed.

"Oh yeah, sure. Bringing up my past will definitely lighten the mood. Where should i start? When I learnt I had powers? When I found out about my covens rule for a merge? Or when I learnt I was a siphon? Or better yet when my abusive father isolated me from everyone because he didn't want a son who was, in his words, 'an abomination.." He spat as the anger grew.

Y/N was taken aback at first but soon had a sorrowful look on her face. "Kai..I'm sorry. Just forget I sa-"

"No you wanted to talk about it so that's exactly what we're going to do." He stared off into the distance as he began to recount his past. " I was young when I first learnt about my family and our coven. My twin sister had discovered her powers before me and was constantly showing off and being praised. I wanted that..so I tried to do a spell in my room one night, one I'd heard her do many times..but it didn't work. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get the damn candle to light so I went to her for help. She tried teaching me to the point where she gave up trying and was about to walk out when I grabbed her arm to stop her..Her arm began to glow a red colour and she screamed out in pain which drew my parents attention. They learnt of what happened and couldn't bring themselves to look at me as they sent me to my room."

Y/N listened carefully,unknowingly moving closer to him.

"After that day I had learnt I was a siphoner, meaning I couldn't posses my own magic. I could only extract it from others and any magic around me. One unknowing accident had changed my life for the worst. Once everyone had learnt of what I was, they couldn't look at me and kept their distance. My own family rejected me. I was a defective child in their eyes. Not a Parker, just a destructive siphoner. That really messed me up... I had to learn everything on my own. Power. Control. Everything. I went through so much torment that I did what I did in 1994. I became exactly what they assumed me to be. Dangerous. Evil..18 years later I'm still stuck in this prison world whilst the perfect coven and the perfect Parker kids, well what's left of them, get to enjoy life and actually live." His voice faltered slighty and his eyes were brimmed with tears which he fought back. For the first time since she had arrived here, she finally saw emotions in Kai. The only problem was she didn't know how to respond to him.

"Then live yours..to the fullest in spite of them. What you did to your siblings was wrong and I think deep down you know that but at the same time you're not fully to blame. You were treat awfully by the people you're supposed to trust and love most and that's the worst kind of pain and torture.. Noone deserves that. You can't help who you are but it should've been embraced. I would rather be different than like everyone else. The 'what if's' are pointless though because we can't change the past so change the course of your future. You may be trapped here but go out and explore the world. Cook in fancy restaurants. Eat pork rinds until you can't anymore. Do what ever it is that you want..that you dreamed of before any of that happened. Have a life worth living because that's what you deserved and still deserve." She placed her hand over his causing him to look up at her for the first time since the conversation began. His blue eyes held something new behind them. Hope.

They kept their eyes locked on one another when something unexpected happened. Suprise. Happiness.Warmth flowed through her when she felt the gentle touch of his hand on her cheek and the pressure of his soft lips against her own. A feeling he reciprocated when she kissed him back.

"Live it with me." He whispered as he pulled back slightly. Her eyes gazed into his own to find his words and feelings were genuine and truthful. "You've been the best thing that's ever happened to me in my whole existence on this miserable planet. You're the only person who's ever understood me or cared enough to. I don't deserve you but I'm selfish so you're stuck with me either way." He smirked as she chuckled lightly at his last comment.

"I will. I'm going to give you the life you should've had..under one condition." He grew a little nervous at her words.

"What might that be?"

"You stop bottling up your emotions and talk to me, about anything. Oh and you can show me your culinary excellence because I'd really love to try the infamous dishes you're constantly bragging about. Plus I can't cook without burning anything so I'll leave that job for you." She smiled widely as he let out a laugh.

"That's more than one thing." He shook his head and held her hands in his.

"I know but they're all important."

"Fine. Deal."


After a long conversation discussing their ideas of things to do and see, they had both begun to grow tired. Kai was currently sprawled out on the couch asleep and Y/N was just returning with two warm drinks in hand, sighing as she saw he was no longer awake. She placed both mugs down on the table and grabbed the fluffy blanket off of the back of the couch, gently using it to cover his sleeping form. He looked peaceful in these moments. Far from the troubled boy he was when he was conscious. Innocent, almost. That brought a slight smile to her face as she felt somewhat comforted that in that moment he was most likely free from burden and pain. She hoped in time she could provide only positive memories which would outweigh the bad. Ones he should have had. One's he'll keep forever. She was about to head upstairs to bed when she felt a hand grab her and pull her down and into his chest.

"I thought you were asleep." She whispered, shocked as he wrapped his arm tightly around her after pulling the blanket to cover her too. He didn't reply but drifted off to sleep, for real this time. She soon followed after. Happy in his warm embrace. They were both truly happy for the first time since they arrived here.


(A/N): I wanted to make a somewhat fluffier Kai imagine unlike my other ones because I adore him and I'm in that sort of mood too. I hope you guys like this one and I also just want to say, thank you so much for reading these. It means a lot. I try my best to proof read these once I've finished writing them but it's usually really late when I write them ,for some reason ,resulting in me being sort of tired so I tend to not notice the mistakes so I apologise in advance and I will try to correct them when I can.💙

Kai Parker/Jake Riley ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now