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One word came to mind when summing up today and that was...infuriating. Everyone seemed to be stressed and tensed, more so than previously.

Y/N was just on her way back to the hospital waiting room when she came across her boyfriend, Jake, pacing in the hallway. He spared her a quick glance before continuing with his actions. "Hey, nice to see you too." She raised her eyebrows at him.

"Don't start." He mumbled, shaking his head.

"What did I do?" She frowned.

"I Just-" he let out a frustrated huff. "I've had a rough day and it's not even near over yet."

"Right. Haven't we all though?" She spoke with a hint of annoyance.

"It's not the same." He muttered.

"Oh right, sorry. I didn't realise you were the only one trapped here and allowed to be having a rough time." Her arms folded across her chest as she spoke.

"You're not the one burning people's bodies on a daily basis!" He raised his voice as he came to a stand still.

"But I still see them. I get that it must be hard but we're all trying to survive and get through things of our own. There's no need to be an ass about things."

"Well you try seeing it from my perspective. I'm basically running the police force single handedly here with only seven men against over four thousand people. I come back here, after a day out on patrol, to a growing pile of bodies that I have to sort through and burn whilst also protecting all those kids upstairs and everybody else. I'm expected to be a hero and to protect them all and that is not me! So no, I really don't need your input, thanks." He shouted.

"Jake-" Her voice coming out soft as he cut her off.

"-I don't want to hear it." He mumbled.

"Fine." She turned on her heel and began to walk away.

"Where are you going?"

"Away from you. I thought that was obvious. I'm not being around you until you've calmed down a bit." She continued walking, leaving Jake alone in the hallway. He sighed heavily and made his way to the waiting room.


After a while Dr Cannerts entered the room somewhat seemingly suprised to find Jake there. "Ah, Jake. I wasn't expecting to see you here actually but anyway, I need to speak to you."

"Why wouldn't I be here?" He frowned.

"Well it's just that I saw Y/N leave the hospital earlier and I assumed you'd have gone with her."

"You have got to be kidding me." Jake huffed as he stood up. "How long ago was that?" He questioned as he began to put on his police uniform and protective equipment, ignoring the latter part of what Dr Cannerts said.

"About half an hour maybe. I didn't really think much of it and she seemed to be in a bit of a hurry so I'm not sure where she was headed." Dr Cannerts informed, sending an apologetic look. "About that favour-"

"-Can it wait until I get back?"

"Of course."

Jake gave a nod in thanks before exiting the room and soon the hospital in search of his girlfriend.


In the long minutes Jake had been walking, he had become increasingly worried about Y/N's wellbeing and had begun to feel guilty for the way he had acted beforehand. He continued walking when he came across an empty park, or what he thought was empty. In the middle of it was an old and worn wooden bench where a figure sat staring straight ahead. He quickly made his way over, relieved, as he sat down next to her and removed his helmet. She felt his presence but kept quiet, neither sure of what to say until Jake finally spoke up.

"Look, I'm sorry." Jake sighed. "As you know, sometimes when I'm upset, I lash out. I can't help it because that's who I am..but I shouldn't have took it out on you. That wasn't fair." He looked up at her trying to see her reaction. She was looking at her hands, playing with the edges of her sleeves.

"Yeah, it wasn't." She whispered as her voice trembled slightly. "But I'm sorry too. I should have took into account your feelings and how this all is for you..and not started the argument-"

"You didn't." He looked at her sadly.

She finally looked up at him as she spoke again. "It doesn't matter. What I'm trying to say is that I should've been more supportive and helpful for you. You should've been able to feel like you could come talk to me or ask for help. It's a lot to take on, especially under these circumstances. So I will do whatever you need as long as you agree to not get angry with me like that again. Do we have a deal?" She raised her hand, pausing mid-air.

"We do and I know I can come to you but I'm handling things. It just takes times and patience which I do not have a lot of." He chuckled and shook her hand before pulling her into his side and placing his arm around her shoulders, squeezing gently.

"No kidding." She let out a laugh and hugged him back. They enjoyed the moment for a minute until Y/N suddenly spoke up. "How do you know I'm not infected because this is definitely not four to six feet, Officer." She joked, looking up at her boyfriend.

"If you get sick then so do I." He smiled and kissed the side of her head.

"Thats soo romantic." She laughed, pulling a face as she scrunched up her nose. Jake laughed too.

"I'm just glad that you're ok and fully protected. Also, not mad at me anymore."

"I could say the same for you and you know I can't stay mad at your handsome face for too long." She smirked before letting out a contented sigh. "Anyway we should get back to the hospital and stay safe indoors." They both got up from the bench and began walking back. Both were happy.


It didn't take them long to arrive back at the hospital as they talked and joked the whole way. They walked through the empty and dimly lit green corridors when Y/N spun on her heel to face him. "I could actually use a shower.. feel free to join." She winked before turning back around and heading to the shower room. "Oh and if anyone asks we were four to six feet away at all times!" She yelled over her shoulder. Jake chuckled to himself and shook his head but followed not too far behind her with a smirk on his face.


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( A / N ) :  I added a bonus gif because why not 😍. Anywayyyy, I hope you like this one. Jake is honestly my favourite to write for but I guess it's because I always end up making his fluffy aha. Thank you for reading 💙

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