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Y/N was finally happy again in life. She could finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. Things were better, not perfect, but better.

She'd spent they day with her friends, for the first time in a long while. A bright smile was upon her face as she exited the Mystic Grill with Caroline and Bonnie. A smile that was the first genuine smile she'd had in a long time. Everything finally felt like it was good again. However, her once joyous face had now quickly changed.

"No..." she whispered. Her eyes glued to the same spot in disbelief.

"What do you thi- Y/N?" Caroline cut herself off when she'd noticed Y/N had stopped dead in her tracks. "Are you ok?"

Y/N quickly snapped out of her trance and looked back towards her friends. "uh..yeah. I'm fine." She forced a smile on her face to try and reassure them and herself. "You're just imagining it. It's all in your head". She thought, trying to erase it.

"Are you sure? You know you can talk to us. We're your best friends and you don't look so good right now." Bonnie spoke up, placing a comforting hand on Y/N's shoulder.

"Yeah, almost like you've seen a ghost." Caroline laughed, lightly.

"Ghost. That's all it was."  Y/N yet again tried to convince herself that it was all in her head. But then she started to question whether things had actually gotten better or if she'd just got so good at masking her true feelings. "I'm fine. I think I'm just going to head home alone today. I just need some space." she told her friends before walking away.

Bonnie and Caroline watched her leave before heading away themselves.

Y/N checked back to see if they were out of eyesight before heading back the way she'd came. She wanted to prove to herself that it was all in her head. That what she had seen was impossible.


Now here she stood, frozen yet again.

"No. No. This isn't real." She became hysterical. Tears flowing fast. "I must have gone crazy. There's no way he's stood in front of me right now." her eyes closed tightly, hoping this was all just a bad dream. But yet when she re-opened them, there he was.

"Y/N." He spoke softly as he stepped forward.

"How- When-What...Kai?" she stuttered out, too overcome by emotions to fully process what was happening in that moment. "You're dead. You died right in front of me. This isn't real." her head shaking as she spoke, slowly backing away.

"Y/N. Stop." He managed to grab hold of her wrist and lifted her hand to touch his face. "I'm here. You're not imagining it. I promise you this is real."

Their eyes stayed focus on one another's for a brief moment. Brief because Y/N was quick to pull away as she slapped him. In her rage, she turned and began to move away quickly. Kai followed after her.

"Give me a chance to explain myself. Just not here. Somewhere less...public." Kai spoke.

After some consideration, she finally agreed. "Fine. Meet me at our-my place in an hour and you better come with a good explanation." Then she walked away.


Knock. Knock. Knock.

With a deep breath, Y/N opened the door. Once again they were face to face. She stepped aside to let him come through.

"Not much has changed then." Kai spoke as he glanced around the apartment. It was exactly like the last time he'd been here.

"You came here to explain things to me. Well, I'm waiting." Y/N said, folding her arms across her chest and ignoring his comment.

"What do you want to know?" he said, casually as he sat on the couch.

"Seriously!? I want to know why my boyfriend, who I haven't stopped grieving for these last few years, is in front of me right now. How he's some how alive when I watched him die right in front of me. How I watched his head get ripped from his body by someone I once considered a friend. How is it possible that you're even here...alive." her tears began flowing again.

"I am dead. That's usually a key part of being a vampire and all." A smirk gracing his face.

"You're unbelievable!" she shook her head in anger. "We we're together for three years and when I lost you... I couldn't cope. I felt completely numb. I couldn't function. You've been gone for over a year and I'm still not over it. So how could you be making jokes if any of what we had was real to you?"

This somewhat stunned Kai. He'd never expected someone to care so much for him, especially if he was dead."I did die. I am dead." He started, standing up and moving towards her. "I died and was sent to hell. I made a deal with the devil himself to be here right now."

"I thought you were supposed to be the devil incarnate." she joked, trying to lighten the mood.

"Oh, don't worry. I am." He winked.

Her face turned serious. "How long have you been back? How long are you back for? What was the deal?"

"A few months. I don't know. Something you're better off not knowing." He answered.

"A few months! And you didn't think to find me and tell me? And I think I at least have a right to know especially after the year I've just had." her anger beginning to consume her once more.

"I can't tell you. Just know that I'm going to make up for the pain it caused you in the best way possible. And what, You don't think it hasn't been hell for me either!"

"I'm not saying that! But you might as well tell me! You know you can trust me."

"If I tell you then I compromise this whole deal! I'll have to leave again but this time permanently. If you don't want that then you'll just have to do as I say!" He yelled back, becoming frustrated with all the questioning.

"Fine. I won't ask again. But tell me one thing... Would you have ever come looking for me if I hadn't seen you today? Would you have ever told me you were alive?" she looked into his eyes, hoping to catch any glimmer of emotion.

"No." He clenched his jaw, looking away for a brief moment before reconnecting their eyes. "Maybe not until I'd done what I had to. Maybe not ever."

Her breath caught in her throat. "Wow. Well at least I know how you really feel. It's just sucks that I found out too late. That I wasted all that time and emotion on you." she tried fighting back anymore tears as she turned away from him.

"I wouldn't have because I thought you'd hate me. That you'd be happier without me. No one has ever cared for me, loved me, like you have. I was too blind to notice that until now. I didn't even notice my own feelings for ages. I ignored them, not understanding it. Let's just say... feelings are hard." He let out a breathy laugh.

Y/N stopped in her tracks, eyes now closed as she listened to him.

"I-I love you, Y/N. So let's just be together for as long as we can. While we can."

A moments silence passed between them before Y/N spoke up. "It's going to take some time to get back to where we were. If we even can. I love you, Kai but I can't just erase this last year."

"I know. I'm not asking you too, for a change." He joked as he pulled her into his arms for the first time in a long while.

She nodded with a brief laugh, wrapping her arms around his waist. "I've missed you. Even when you are a dick." she laughed.

"I've missed you being your usual little judgy self." He laughed back.

He was alive and right now that was all that mattered to Y/N.

(A/N: Hello! I know it's been a while but I've been busy and lacking inspiration. But, I hope you like this one. Thank you for over 2k reads! I can't belive it! Anyway, thank you for reading! 😊💙)

Kai Parker/Jake Riley ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now