Focus all blurred
Urges intensified
Mind unleashed in no way
Clumsy hold over valuable ideas
Repetition of awful thoughts
Dreams that felt more like reality
Knack and ability in letting loose of special networks
Segregated bonds
Trickin of mind that you're around
Startlin sense of runnin out of time
Lethargy endin up in being spoon-fed
Brainstormin about the unkown
If mature, then certain
If young, then unsure
Palpable imaginations
Wildness and Drunkenness
Support of the many except none's
Complacency with being loved and hated
Delicacy in walkin past the things that once were worth waitin for
Never gettin enough while wantin more
''Us and Them''
Randomwell u may enter at your own risk..... p.s. the vocab m gonna use will be awful at times and may be awe inspirin the very next moment nd umm....... nothing else nvm