A Hectic Morning

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Logan's POV

I roll over in my sleep and let out a loud yawn. I smile, remembering the Black Water Pack is coming today—well the old Black Water Pack is coming today.

I am going to inherit the largest pack in the middle world! I let out a great breath of excitement just at the thought of it. I'm gonna be a legend.

I lay in bed for a few minutes just breathing in the great day it really is. The birds are chirruping outside my window and I can see the sun peaking through the light grey clouds. It doesn't look like rain, but the weather is always so unpredictable. It's a good thing I love rain though.

"Knock, knock," my mother chimes from outside my door.

"Come in!" The door opens reveling my sweet Mother with a tray of breakfast. "Oh. Ma, you shouldn't have."

I love my Mother so much, she is the sweetest lady in the world which is what makes her such a good Luna. She always put others first and takes care of us even if we don't need her too. "I thought you might need a special breakfast to start off a special day," she smiles, handing me a try of heavenly smelling sausages and pancakes with the works. I lick my lips greedily as I place the tray on my lap and begin to eat. 

Today is a special day for me not just because the Black Water Pack is coming, but because my Father is having me help set them up which is a very big deal. He says we need to make sure their accommodations are acceptable because we don't want them to revolt. He says they are part of our pack now, but are they really? They are here by force. They aren't family, they are war spoils.

My Father has told me I need to be very sympathetic to them about losing their old pack. They have lost a lot of family and friends along with their old homes and jobs. They basically have to restart life.

I agreed with him, but just to put him at ease. I need to make sure their X-Alpha knows his place. I'm gonna be Alpha soon and I can't have him challenging me.

I haven't heard anything about him really, so I don't know what to expect. No one ever talks about the Black Water heir, only ever about the Alpha himself who has built quite a reputation.

I can not help but wonder if their former heir is an Alpha at all. Sometimes mistakes are made and werewolves are born into the wrong positions. I found it hard to believe the notorious Black Water Pack would have an unsuitable heir and fight a war though.

"Thanks, Ma, for the breakfast. Do you know when the Black Water Pack will be here?" I ask her as she sits on my bed. She shakes her head and continues to smile at me.

"You have grown so much my son," she says as she strokes my check. I smile at her and set my breakfast aside, hugging her tightly as tears began to well in her eyes. "You have grown so much."

"Oh, Ma," I say as I try to calm her.

"I just love you so much. You will be such an amazing Alpha, just like your Father,"she says, leaning back and tucking my hair behind my ears. She shakes her head and stands up, clearing the mood as she takes a deep breath to compose herself.

"Enough of that though," she continues with a smile again, "Your Father wants you down to help the new members unpack and move in as soon as they are here, so he wants you down stairs in his office right after lunch."

I nod as I begin to finish my breakfast and she smiles at me, clasping her hands and heads out the door.

I have to do this right. No starting fights, no losing my temper, no snarky remarks to new members. I need to know what I'm up against before I start a fight.

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