A Gift

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River's POV

I can feel the tension is the room. Someone could cut it with a knife if they wanted to.

Luna Lilly looks petrified by my Father's answer and Alpha James looks like he is about to kill something.

I can see Alpha James eyes changing from his wolf to human. I know he going to snap any second. So I do the only thing I can think of, "Can someone please pass the bread?"

All heads snap to me and I see Alpha James wolf is no longer at the surface and everyone is almost back to normal. Alpha James lets out a shaky breath as Luna Lilly passes me the bread basket, watching me carefully.

I try my best to ignore their gazes and pretend I don't see them all looking at me like I'm insane.

I take a piece of bread and place the basket back down, meticulously covering the inside of the roll with some butter.

The Alpha's son is sitting beside me, burning wholes in the side of my head with his gaze for a good five minutes before I finally turn to him, realizing I don't know who he is. "What's your name?" I demand.

He looks like a dear caught in headlights at, obviously embarrassed I caught him staring. "I...Logan." He quickly goes back to eating his plate of food. Now it's my turn to stare, and him pretend he doesn't notice.

I continue to stare at him awkwardly before he finally looks up at me and acknowledges my presence, "What's your name?" I smile on the inside, knowing he already knows my name and is just trying to get out of the hot seat.

"River," I tell him  pretending I don't realize I already told him my name.

I make sure to keep direct eye contact with him before he dives back into meticulously examining his meal, so he won't have to talk to me.  

I take my gaze off of Logan and am about to go back to my meal when I notice Alpha James is watching me closely.

I feel the power and dominance radiating off of him, it is stronger than my Father's and I feel a slight tug to submit to him. I wasn't raised to submit though, so I hold my ground. I clear my throat as quietly as possible, trying to calm my nerves.

I refuse to bare my neck to him, but I don't want to have a replay of this afternoon with him. I turn my focus to my water glass and down it swiftly, looking back up at Alpha James who is still watching me.

There is a tingling sensation running through my body and I have felt it ever since I came down for dinner.

It is slightly uncomfortable feeling, but it is also familiar. I know it is a primal feeling, but I'm not one hundred percent sure. It is probably Alpha James's powerful aurora.

He can push as hard as he wants with his Alpha authority for me to submit to him, but I wasn't raised to lied down.

I wasn't raised to submit.

My Father made sure I knew conceding wasn't an option which was ironic considering he was doing a lot of that now a days.

The man introduced as Gamma Ray makes small pleasant conversation with Logan about school while the rest of us sit in silence, staring at the table until finally my Father speaks again, "What will River's schedule look like?"

Alpha James look taken aback by the question and reclines into his seat. "What do you mean?" Alpha James glances at me.

"River has a special schooling curriculum and training schedule. Our Beta is the one who typically trains and teaches her, but since she can't be with him anymore, what will her schedule look like?" My Father asks sharply. I look at Alpha James, waiting to see what he says.

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