Alpha Nurse?

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Logan's POV

I sit in my room, staring up at the ceiling as I listen to River in the room next to mine.

I figured I would hear her crying by now, but the only audible sound is the soft patter of her feet against the bathroom tile and the ever so often rubbing of water.

I was surprised when she burst through the kitchen door, soaking wet for the second time today.

I swear my heart jumped in my chest, seeing her burst through the door covered in blood. Her blood.

I could smell it only once she came in the door. I had been so engrossed in my parent's arguments, that I hadn't even heard her approaching the house.

I don't even know what the right answer is myself. It is obvious River is dangerous.

There is no question, no hesitation, she is deadly, but is a silver bracelet the right answer?

After all, she didn't shift and fight back at lunch today when in reality she could have probably wiped the cafeteria floor with my face.

I don't like to admit someone is better than me, but she is much different than most people.

I see both my parents sides really. River could and probably would try to take back her pack, but what if she didn't? What if she is just caught in this mess and we all blame her for it?

Is it really right to suppress her connection with her wolf and stop her from shifting? Not only would it be an constant reminder of her loss, but the silver would always burn her.

My mind snapped back to current time when I heard the water running again. River lets out and audible sigh and I imagine what that would look like on her face.

She is always so reserved with her expressions, I can't really picture her doing something so mundane like yawning.

The action seemed out of place, it seemed too lazy. Nonetheless, I know she had to be capable of such actions.

A knock on my door causes me to get up from my bed and investigate. I open the door to a tired looking Father.

He smiles at me with a long face and invites himself into my room, flipping down on my bed. He tosses a small box to me before getting settled in my bed.

"What are you doing?" I ask him curiously as he looks like he is about to go to sleep.

He glowers at me from over the sheets and I get the memo that he doesn't want to talk about it.

He always gets so salty when him and Mom fight.

"She kicked you out of bed, didn't she?" I ask, he nods and lets out a big sigh.

I look down at the box in my hand. It looks like a jewelry box. I don't have to open it to know it it the silver bracket for River.

I open it anyway and sure enough there they are. I feel like throwing up by just looking at it.

"You know why we are doing it, don't you?" My Father asks and I look up at him and nod.

I understand both sides, but I feel uneasy still.

"Do you think it is the right thing?" I ask him honestly.

My Father's gaze meets mine, "The right thing? The moral thing?" He asks me and I get my answer. "It's not easy to make decisions as Alpha, Logan. Some times the decisions you make will hurt people, but you have to remember you have to protect the pack. Sometimes you have to do bad things to protect the people you love," I nod, pretending to understand.

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