The End

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Logan closes his bedroom door behind us and I expect a lecture or scolding, but instead Logan just comes over to me.

His eyes darken again as his instincts take over. Logan pushes me onto the bed and I gasp slightly. "L-Logan?"

"Mate," he says, laying on top of me. "Mine," he sniffes my neck. He licks me and I freeze. It's not like I can fight him forever. "Mine," he states again, sitting up.

He starts to undress me and I struggle to not fight. I want to fight though. I don't want this. Logan sucks on my neck, getting ready to mark me.

He is my mate, he is going to mark me at some point. Logan's hands travel downwards and finds the bottom of my shirt.

His hands roam under the fabric and grope my sides and breasts. He growls at I shift under him. His nails extend and I feel it cutting into me a little as he pins me down. "Logan, Logan, please," I beg, starting to freak out. I don't want to be marked like this.

Logan's muscles flex above me and his lips freeze. He is shaking, trying to take back control. He slowly pulls away and I see his eyes going back to normal. "Sorry," he apologizes, looking around the room awkwardly.

"It's okay," I breath out shakily, scooting away from him slightly as he lays beside me. We lay in silence for a while.

"It is so hard to be near you and not mark you."


He looks over at me slightly, "Don't be. I-I also wanted to formally apologize for being an ass to you. There is no excuse for my actions, but I hope you can one day forgive me."

I stay silent for a moment, "I forgive you. I understand our rivalry, but now that's behind us, now you're my... Alpha"

Logan growls and his eye darken again, "Oh, River. You have no idea how badly I want to mate you right now," Logan groans.

My arousal spikes and he is on top of me in seconds, "Logan, plea-"

"I will give you anything you want if you let me mate you fully right now.  I'll free your pack, destroy the contract, give you more power... River, please it is so hard to not take you now."

I feel my own instincts heightening, my arousal builds at his desperate words. Would he really free my pack, "Give my pack the option to leave once we have joined and I will be yours."

Logan's teeth sink into my neck and I let out a scream. I grip onto his arms tightly as the pain turns to pleasure. He is grinding into me.

I moan and the next thing I know my clothes are being torn to shred. He licks my neck carefully before slamming his lips to mine. "Mine," Logan says.

"Yours," I confirm. Logan looses it right there. One second he is kissing my lips and the next his mouth is French kissing another set of lips.

I scream in pleasure and buck against Logan's face. He growls and nips at my clit as I buck, but I yank his hair.

I moan loudly as he assaults my lower half. Logan switches from his mouth to his hand as he trusts a finger into me.

I clench tightly around his finger and before I know it I'm cumming on his hand. Logan watches me with lustful eyes.

I try to close my legs, but Logan forces them apart still and shoves another finger inside me, I screech and he adds a third.

It hurts and I try to pull away, but he starts licking my clit and I forget the pain. One hand strokes himself as the other fingers me.

As I get close again, he stops all sensation and mounts me. His top presses against me and I growl as he starts to slowly insert himself.

After he is all the way inside, he pauses to let me adjust. His body lays on top of mine and sparks fly all over my skin.

Once I have adjusted, Logan sits up more before he starts to thrust again.
It's hurts, but after he picks up more pace it feels good.

Logan's pace quickly changes and his grip becomes much more aggressive. I can feel bruises starting to form, but the pleasure over rides my concern.

His thrusts are quick and powerful. I feel my climax building, "Mate," I reach out. My climax is close and I need to mark him.

Logan nuzzles into my neck next to his mark. His thrusts become more violent and finally I'm pushed over the edge. I sink my teeth into Logan and he growls, continuing to thrust inside me.

I release his neck and he pulls away, releasing his load on my stomach.  After he is done, he lays back down and lets me finish cleaning my mark.

He kisses my forehead and I run my hands along his buff arms, "I love you," I say suddenly.

Logan pulls back in surprise. A smile blooms on his face, he leans down and presses our foreheads together, "I love you too, my Alpha Female."

Alpha Female (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now