Raining on a River

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Logan's POV

I sit in my car and blow out another angry breath. I still haven't cooled down yet from what happened at lunch and now I had to drive her home.

School ended half an hour ago and she still hasn't showed up. I growl angrily, knowing she is taking her sweet time.

I know I shouldn't have ever laid a hand on her, but something between her interaction with my Beta and Gamma set me on edge. I don't feel mad at her, but I have to be. Who else could I be mad at? Sure, her interaction between my 'girlfriend' and her agitated me a little, but not by much.

Our little stunt we tried to pull on her didn't really work like I was hoping. I thought she would at least scream or jump, at least do something. But no, she just stood there calmly.

Guess she isn't as jumpy as I thought. Just thinking about us putting the dead squirrel in her locker makes my stomach lurch. Perhaps it is because she kind of humiliated me? Maybe that's what it felt like to be made fun of?

I ran a frustrated hand over my face and look out my window.

Still no River.

Dark rain clouds pour heavy streams of water down on the ground. My windshield wipers flash across the glass, frantically trying to keep my view unobscured. I wait at least thirty more minutes before I decide she must have found another ride home.

Angrily, I exit the now empty school parking lot and speed home. I slam my door closed, marching inside.

I'm more than starving now because I couldn't finish my lunch after the fling with River. As I march into the kitchen, hoping to find food, I stopped by a very aggressive Luna.

My mother stares up at me with a fiery fury. All thoughts of food are gone now. "Where have you been?" She all but yells at me. I don't get the chance to tell her I have been waiting for River at school because she doesn't even let me speak. "River got home ten minuets ago  soaking wet!" She says angrily pointing.

I follow my Mother's angry gaze and it lands on a truly drenched River. Her wet hair and clothes are still dripping and hang off her body heavily. I would say she looks miserable, but she actually looks normal, well normal for her.

She wears the most deadly scowl and I feel myself shift under it. I can see the light bruising appearing on her neck.

Is that what I am becoming? A woman beater?

I want to vomit. I have lost all interest in eating. "You were suppose to take her to school and pick her up," my Mother growls. I can't even look at her because my eyes are focused on the marks on River's neck. "Was that too much to ask?"

How could I do that to a girl? A boy maybe, but a girl? My parents taught me better than that.  "You're right, I'm sorry," I apologize, looking back at my Mother. She is still fuming, but she doesn't continue to reign down on me.

I shift uncomfortably again.

I shouldn't have ever touched her. Black water pack or Blue oak, she is still a women. "I'm... sorry about lunch," I whisper to her when my Mom leaves. I don't expect a response.

She lifts her head and our gazes meet. Her stoic expression isn't as weird now I guess. Now it is just... normal. Her eyes still pierce mine and tingles shoot through my body.

I guess she really does have Alpha blood in her. I can feel her dominance from across the room. "It... won't happen again," I say, finally unable to hold her gaze any longer. I quickly march upstairs to my room.

I throw my stuff on my bed and shut the door. As I lay in bed, my agitation continues to grow. My mind replays over and over the interacting between me and her at lunch.

One question continued to resurface: Why didn't she fight back?

I remembered the way she skillfully took down her Beta and Gamma. Truth be told, she is probably better than me.

A new fear arises in my chest. What would happen if River challenged my Luna for her position once I found her? Our treaty never prohibited the action and she would have every right to.

River would have no reason not to. She was born an Alpha and craved power. What stopped her from taking it back once I found my mate?

The thought of loosing my mate irked me, but oddly, not as much when I think about it being River.

With a huff, I sit up in bed and run an angry hand over my face. Maybe I should try to get on her good side? No. She hates me and even though I feel guilty, I hate her too.

I hear a knock on the door and I shoot out of my bed. For some strange reason, hoping it is her. Maybe she came to say she accepts my apology?

Throwing open my door a little aggressively, I'm met with a now semi-calmed down Mother. "We are having dinner down
stairs again with our guests. Your Father wants to talk to you. He is waiting in the dinning room," she says in a clipped tone.

I know now for sure my parents know about the altercation at lunch. Did River say something? Or were the marks around her neck just super visible?

My Mother walks away with her heels clicking and I watch her pass River's door. Surprisingly she nocks, "Dinner in five minuets!" She calls softly, not waiting for the door to open.

I close my bedroom door and head downstairs to my impending doom. My Father is siting at the head of the table again with his hands folded neatly on the table, waiting for me.

When he sees me, he doesn't give me a fatherly smile like usual. I know I'm in some deep shit.

I clear my throat and take the seat to his left. "So I heard about what happened at school today." my Father says disapprovingly.

I nod my head and look down in shame, embarrassed he knows about lunch. "Me and your Mother are both quite disappointed. We had hoped you would display mature behavior towards our quests."

A fury builds inside me and I want to argue that she isn't a guest, but a prisoner. I don't though because I know my Father's authority is far greater than mine.

"It is clear you are incapable though," he says with a heavy sigh. He leans back in his chair and I squirm a little as I begin to feel like a small child being scolded for stealing a cookie from the cookie jar. "So you are grounded for the next week and will continue to drive River to school and back."

I nod and give a sigh of relief because I thought he would make a much bigger deal of me hurting River. "And if I ever hear of you putting a dead animal in River or anyone else's locker again..." he says, shocking me. So he didn't know about the lunch thing? "There will be much more severe consequences."

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