Silver Bracelets

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River's POV:

A knock sounds on my door as I pull off my sopping wet shirt over my head. "Dinner in five minutes!" Luna Lilly calls, making me freeze.

Do they have dinner together every night?

I pull off my wet leggings and carry the soaking wet clothes into my bathroom, hanging them over the towel rack. Looking in the mirror, I see the imprinted scowl on my face, framed by my dripping hair.

I know I should have at least told Logan I wasn't going home with him, but I was so upset about how Logan treated me, I couldn't even face him.

I was embarrassed too that I hadn't stood up for myself. He probably thought I was weak now, just like my Father.

I pull my eyes away from the mirror and throw on some clothing for dinner. I am still shivering a little, so a nice warm and dry sweater will be nice.

I head down the stairs slowly to dinner. I am hungry, but I really don't want to have to face Logan or his family. It is weird that Logan apologized to me, but I don't trust him or his family.

It's not like I should trust him or his family anyway though. Luna Lilly is nice and Alpha James is pretty normal, but it doesn't feel right to call them by title.

Especially the Luna... my old title.

When I get down to the dinning room, Logan's eyes drift to mine briefly before he sits down next to his father. Luna Lilly rushes in laughing at something with my Father following with a sour look on his face.

I can almost see how this dinner is gonna go bad. It's like a six sense.

"Oh come, come!" Luna Lilly says, waving me in. I obey and take a seat at the table. Logan sits next to me again and I make sure not to dignify him with the acknowledgment of his presence.

He may have apologized, but he still an asshole.

My father sits down next to Luna Lilly and glowers at me from across the table. "You look like a mess," he states as he begins to severe himself.

I mash my jaw, stopping myself from saying something I'll regret.

Luna Lilly clears her throat awkwardly and glances at her husband who then begins to serve himself despite my father's blatant disrespect of serving himself first.

We all serve ourselves after that and I make a great effort to not touch Logan at all as he reaches to serve himself.

I pretend not to notice as he has to stand to reach the salt on the other side of me.

A faint smirk reaches my lips when I notice he has put in a great effort to not talk to me.

Getting up to get the salt, so he doesn't have to ask?

"So how did you like school?" Luna Lilly finally asks, grinning at me expectantly.

I want to tell her it sucked.

My classes were easy and her pack was full of bullies, but an Alpha never complains and I can feel my Father's eyes burning into me.

I shrug indifferently instead of confessing my experiences and go back to eating. I feel my Father's eyes on me still and grind my teeth to make the burning dissipate.

"You know you have training tonight?" My Father asks. I nod and he growls at my lack of a verbal answer. I growl back and we glare at one another from across the table.

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