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Logan's POV

I sit at the kitchen table, chowing down on dinner, waiting for River and her Dad to come down.

Well, I am not really waiting, but I am starving.

I smile, remembering the redness of River's face when my Dad walking in. She was so embarrassed.

It wasn't like we were doing anything. My Dad knows we aren't really anything, so it really wasn't a problem. Right?

"Logan, we need to talk," My Mother states, looking over at me from across the table. I know she is gonna give me the talk about how inappropriate my behavior was for an Alpha and a future mate, but it really wasn't anything.

I mean, I liked River, she has grown on me, but I would never cheat on my mate or give her up for anyone else.

"It wasn't anything," I say in slight annoyance. "And I was only in her room for like ten minutes."

My Mother growls at my disrespectful tone, "You are going to be an Alpha and a mate tomorrow morning and you better start acting like it. I don't care if you were in River's room doing God knows what for two seconds, or all of eternity. If your mate knew that you were in another she-wolfs room before you found her..." My Mother states harshly.

My Father put his hand on my Mother's to calm her down. "I'm disappointed in you, Logan. I thought we had raised you better."

My heart sinks with her words. I wish I could feel guilty for my actions, but the worst part is that I can't .

My body wouldn't allow me to be disappointed that I spent time with River. Sure, her room may have not been the best place, but still.

My parents suddenly looked up. Turning around, I see a red faced River. "Come on in," my Mother greets her kindly. "How was school?"

"Fine," River hesitantly sits next to me like usual. She eyes my Mom and Dad closely. She can tell something is up.

"I made this from scratch, I hope you like it," my Mom says, smiling at River. River simply nods and picks up her fork without moving her gaze from my Mother.

Even though my Mother's voice sounds nice, I can hear the tension. River can hear it too.

My Father clears his throat and my Mom gets the message to chill out.

I cough awkwardly and keep eating. River eats silently beside me and I smile to myself as I recognize her Alpha aurora.

She can never get rid of it can she?

"Where is your Father? I told him dinner was ready ten minuets ago?" My Mom asks River.

River freezes at my Mom's question for a moment, "Umm he probably won't be joining us", River says. "Today is my Mother's –"

River drops the conversation mid-sentence and continues to eat as if she hadn't been talking when her Father comes in to join us. He sits down wordlessly and begins to eat. I can feel his aurora too.

I can feel his anger and turmoil from here.

It was River's Mother's what?

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