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Logan's POV

I sit in the car, waiting for River. I can't believe my parents are making me take her to school. Why can't she just walk or something? If people see me with her, they are gonna think we are friends are something, and we are not!

She comes out of the house wearing the same expression she seems to always wear, uninterested and impassive.

She looks up at me and I wave at her angrily, so she will quit taking her time. We are gonna be late.

She seems to catch my message and picks up her pace a little, but she is still way to slow for my liking.

We are so gonna be late at this rate. She slides into the front seat next to me silently and I turn the keys in my ignition and back out of the driveway, heading to school.

I try and ignore her presence, but I just can't.

Every time I don't directly think about something, my thoughts drift to the girl sitting next to me.

She's such a weirdo, just sitting next to her makes my skin crawl.

I let out a shiver as I watch her creepily stare out the window at some of the kids we pass by. She looks curiously around and I wonder if she has never seen kids before.

It would only make sense her father never let his 'void of emotion' daughter by kids; they could probably feel her lack of human emotion.

I laugh to myself, forgetting she is sitting next to me.

Her eyes meet mine for a split second and I am chilled to the bone.

Something about her eyes puts me on edge.

Maybe it's because we were born enemies? Something is wrong with her and I don't like that I can't place exactly what it is.

I pull into the school parking lot and take my reserved spot in front of the school. "Get out," I command as soon as I stop the car. She obliges with a scowl.

I scoff at her attitude and watch as she heads towards the front of the school.

Does she even know where she is going?

Probably not, do I care?

Not in the slightest!

I unbuckle and look at the clock.

I'm late, but I really don't care. This is an all werewolf school, so all the teachers know I'm gonna be their new Alpha soon.

I grab my backpack from the front seat and slide out of my car.

When I walk in, Mr. Web has already started, however, he doesn't say anything when I come in late.

My soon to be Beta, Carter, looks up and smirks at me before gesturing to the one person I really don't want to be around.

River is sitting in by the window and staring out at something.

I roll my eyes and take my seat next to Carter. Mr Web goes on about the history of our pack or something, probably stuff I already know, so me and Carter take the time to talk.

Carter raises his brow at me and glances across the room at River, "She's pretty hot," he says.

I scoff and look up at Mr. Web to make sure he is still teaching which he is.

Hot? He thinks River is hot? No she's not hot, she's a freak. "No, she's not. "She is such a freak. Look at her, she's just staring out the window at like nothing," I say.

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