For Fun

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Logan's POV

I let out a deep chuckle as Beta Hill drives me home. "Oh my God, that Alpha from the Black Water Pack though!" He says, looking at me as we drive toward my house.

We spent all day helping the Beta and Gamma families move in and we were packing up when the Alpha from the Black Water Pack came in. He wanted to talk to his Beta about something or the other and we told him he couldn't because of the treaty.

He had gotten so mad, it looked like he was about to throw the dinning table threw the front window.

"What was his problem? Honestly though?" I ask Beta Hill rhetorically. "I mean geez. What was up his ass this morning?"

The altercation was actually very pathetic. As if we would really let him break the conditions of surrender on day one of their move.

"I guess he will just have to talk to your Dad about whatever he wants," Beta Hill laughs. I nod in agreement, shaking my head

Once we get home, my Dad is sitting at the dinning table with my Mom. My Mom is chatting away about something or other and he just nods along.

"Hey, Ma," I greet, kissing her on the check, "Father," I greet with a nod which he returns.

"Come join us. River and the Black Water Alpha should be joining us soon," my Mother says with excitement. My Father smiles at her and rubs his thumb soothingly over her hand to calm her.

I'm intrigued by the name River. It's a queer name for a boy, telling me he most definitely will be weird.

"Beta Hill, are you and your family going to be joining us? Gamma Ray should be with us soon with his family?" My Father asks politely, siting up in his chair a little more.

"We would love to, Alpha. How did they move in might I ask?"

"They moved in alright," my Father says carefully as he readjusts himself in his chair. He casts a look at my mother.

Beta Hill raises his brow questioningly at this asking for more details, "River is... difficult." My Mom cuts my Dad off.

"No! You just get over protective. Your father," she points a finger at him, leaning forward in her seat, "Just lost his temper a little bit."

At her comment, my Father blushes and I let out a chuckle. My Mom is the only one who can call him out on things.

I grin, thinking about this River kid. What a weird name. He is probably a freak. I mean who's name is River anyway? If dad said River was difficult, his father must be too.

"The Black Water Alpha, I'm guessing was difficult as well." I know how he showed up wanting to already break the conditions of surrender.

My Father looks surprise at my question. "No, he was fine actually." He sits back and scratches his head. My Mother nods in agreement and I am officially confused.

Beta Hill laughs at his response before informing my Father about the altercation today with him at the Beta's new house. "Sounds like both your new house guests are going to be difficult," he says as his mate walks in with Gamma Ray's family.

They all take their seats around the table after greeting myself and my Father.

I can tell my Father is in deep thought as his forehead scrunches and brows knot together. "Mmmh interesting," my Father responds, stopping our conversation, looking over at the stairs.

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