The Fifth Element

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Chapter 1- The early signs

My belly rumbled after I ate my dinner of stewed tomatoes, chicken salad and a piece of chocolate from London. I really hate stewed tomatoes. It tastes like spoiled cheese and rotten spaghetti. But I really don't understand why my big brother and little sisters like them. They said that it tasted really yummy. Totally opposite of my taste buds. Then, I went to my bedroom to do my homeworks, and... Oh My Gosh, as in OMG. I have 17 homeworks to do. Oh, that's why I hate school assignments, but I love going to school just because I have four awesome besties there, but I'll tell that stuff some other time. You know, I'm so busy. Then I went to my bedroom I started with the Mathematics stuff. First question," What do you call the sum of a fraction unit when it is divided into three decimals? "

Woah... what a stupid question.

Then I flipped my stupid Math book. Then I saw the author's name, Zoraida Walters, so I thought, What a stupid author that stupid lady is. You know what happened next? I didn't know the stupid answer so I TORE that stupid pages which I need to answer, and I also tore that stupid page with the stupid Zoraida Walters' name. But suddenly there was a knock on my bedroom door. I was so furious like I was gonna blow a ball of fire at that stupid door knocker.



"Hey. Are you..."


"Uh... uhm... umm...uhh..."

"I said what?! If you have nothing to say, then shut that door. NOW!"

"Are you coming with us to watch 'The Royal Rebel' at 7:30?"

"Yes! Now shut that stupid door, you stupid big brother!"

See, that's just him, my big brother, Michael, and he's used to my bossiness. But in reality, I feel so sorry for him. He's a very smart 6th grade student since he was a little and small nursery lad. Then I remembered that I need to watch the 'The Royal Rebel' at 7:30. When I looked at the clock, it was already 7:29! Oh Boy! What am I going to do?! The locked up feelings of my anger and vex made an energy volt thingy. Then, SPARKS fluttered and flew away from my finger tips. What is this? I thought. So I tried to do that sparky stuff out of my anger and vex. But I couldn't. Oh come on, come on, you stupid energy. Oh what the stupid heck. I tried and tried and suddenly, the same energy volt managed to make a spark out of my finger tips. But this time it was a stronger one. I tried my best to make a strong volt of energy. Then, it became hot and hotter that I tried to give up, but I didn't. Then, the spark became hotter and... BOOM!

I just made a Fire floating at my palms. But it was so hot that I can't hold it anymore. I threw that fire float outside my window and it caught the grass.

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