Chapter 5- Fire in, fire out

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The rest of my classmates listend to Ms.Grimm while I didn't. I was more focused in unrolling the secrets of my ¤ symbol. RING! RING! RING! RING! The bell rang and other students sprang out of their classrooms. Yes! Thank you holy bell, thank you!  I thought. I jumped out of my vandalized seat and ran towards the door. Then I shouted, "Freedom!". After I shouted, Sonia McGuffer, my classmate, shushed me. Oh unholy, stupid McGuffer, shut yourself up. I thought. I paced to my locker and tried to open it with my password. Right, left, left, right, left, left, right. But it wouldn't open. So I tried again. Still, it didn't open. I punched it. I punched, kicked and cried, but nothing worked. Oh, come on!  Then I remembered, if I can make sparks, then I'll burn my lock. Then I will just buy another lock. I know that's a stupid plan, but I only have 7 minutes to my English class. So I tried to remember painful thoughts, I tried to feel anger and vex in my body. My whole body was sweating like forever and it was so hot. Oh come on! I thought. Still, there was no sparks coming out of my finger tips. Why is this happening? I thought when I am angry or worried, sparks will flutter from my finger tips. Oh come on, you unholy spark!  Time check, it's 7:25 already! No! My books! Oh no. Oh no, no, no, no! I have nothing to do! So I walked slowly towards Room 105- Mr. Anthony Shool. I finally touched the doorknob and opened the door. I sat beside Audrey Scarfer, but she was too busy checking her phone. I placed my backpack under my desk. "Good Morning Class!" greeted by a familiar teaching voice, Mr. Anthony Shool. "Good Morning Mr.Anthony, God Bless you and Peace be with you." We greeted back. After some discussion about Main Clause and Subordinate Clause, he said to get our English books and answer page 28 and page 29. My heart sank. I don't have a book. What am I going to do?

"As I call your surnames, please pass your books with complete answers." Oh no! I don't have a book! No No No!

"Rarton? very good, Reece? very good, Refington? very good, Rumper? very good, Scarfer? very good, Seator? very good, Slytaughn? very good, Smith?"

Oh no. How can I explain this? I will just shut my mouth. "Smith? Where is Allice Smith?"

I just shushed myself and tucked myself in my jacket. Just then, Audrey Scarfer shouted, "Mr. Anthony, Allice is here!" All eyes were looking at me. "Smith?! Where is your book?!" Mr.Anthony scowled. Allison, Allison, keep your mouth shut! I thought in my mind. Suddenly, sparks flushed away from my hands! How come? I controlled myself! Oh no! This is not gonna be good. The sparks were very hot! I tried to control myself harder, but the sparks became hotter! I am out of balance. Remember, earlier I tried to make sparks out of my anger and vex, but I couldn't. And now, when I control myself, this is the part when the sparks come out? I am certainly out of balance. You know what I did? I ran out of the classroom and went to my secret place. In the Smith Section.

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