Chapter 7- The Visit of the Lady of Fire

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This is really miserable and magical. If this is some kind of a destiny to be fulfilled, just as what I see in cartoons, no. No. No. No. I can't live my life being a fire freak with a water whore brother! No! This sparky puff fire thingy is so stupid! But Michael also have this kind of power. Can we be Elemental Duo? No, no. Never ever! I can't live my life like this! I thought quietly and angrily. Suddenly, sparks flushed away too quickly that I can't control myself! It consisted of loud cracklings! No! Stop it! Don't do it, you sparky fire!

Oh no. The fire hit him.

Immediately, he turned back, surprised. "Allison?!". I covered my face with my jacket. "Allison? Is that you?" He questioned. I just remained my silence.

Oh no.

Then he ran to me. He ripped my jacket and saw my crying face. "You? You did that? Allison, you threw fire to me?" He questioned. Shut up Allison! Don't say a word! I thought quietly in my mind. Then the most critical thing happened.

Fire sparks flushed my finger tips. Oh no.

Michael saw me. He saw what I did. He saw the fire sparks. This is going to be bad. Really bad. "Allison? What are those? Is that fire?!"  I looked down to my hands. Yes. Fire. There was a fire floating at my hands.

Oh no. He saw me with the fire.

I ran away from him. I ran away to my locker. I cried there. Many people saw me. Some were snickering and some were feeling poor for me. Then I felt a tap at my shoulder. I thought it was Michael, so I turned back ready to shout. However, it was a different face.


Did you remember her? She was one of my bestfriends and she is also my school bus mate.

"Allice? What's the matter?"

"I don't think you would understand me."

"It's okay. Now stop crying. It will only make you uglier."


After I cried, I realized that my next subject is Computer and my teacher is Ms. Emily Shool.

Oh no. She is Mr. Shool' s sister.

Ms. Emily is like the worst teacher ever. She is a gossip girl and is so flambouyant. She easily gets angered by a simple mistake. The worst part is, if she knows about what happened to me and Mr. Shool, she will surely get angry at me, and she will gossip it to the teachers. This is really, really, really bad! I can't attend Computer class but I don't want to cut classes, my deportment will fail!

Nevermind! I thought. Then another problem popped out of my head.

My locker.

How come I forgot all about it?! Now how the stupid, unholy hell am I going to get my damn books?! Ugh! I just walked and walked until I got tired and went back to my locker. To my surprise, It was opened! There was a note there. It said,

"Fire, you have encountered,

Water, you have seen.

Touch your mighty symbol,

It will lead you to places you've never been."

What the hell does that mean? I must admit, this letter is pretty creepy. Fire the what now?! I had only 4 minutes to my next class, so I crumply tucked it inside my skirt pocket. I snatched all my Computer stuff in a blink of my eye. I ran to Room 35- Ms. Emily Shool.

I sat in the corner at very back so that Ms. Emily will not see me. I placed my books under my desk. I got my note from my pocket. Then I remembered that the orange juice was there, and it was open, so the note was semi-wet. I began to read it. I was at the first word when someone snatched it from my hands.


"Who's the nerdy bookworm?" She teased. Then the girls behind her, Nikki Vintage, Hanna Wilde, and Caroline Beckham all chorused, "Allison Smith!" Then they laughed. Then I said, "Who's the girl with divorced parents with a bunch of stupid friends?" I was surprised when a strange, eerie voice shouted, "Jasmine Scott!" Jasmine, Nikki, Hanna and Caroline all screamed then went out of the classroom. I just laughed. Then I went to Jasmine's desk and got my semi- wet note and tucked in my skirt pocket.

"Good Morning Class!" greeted Ms. Emily Shool. On her side was Jasmine, Nikki, Hanna and Caroline, and their faces was marked with anger. "Before I share to you what is your scores in your seatwork, Allice, can you lead our prayer?" "Me? Oh me? Okay. It's me." I akwardly replied. Then Jasmine and the rest of the girls by Ms. Emily's side chuckled evily. "Shut up." Ms. Emily warned. So I said our prayer then we greeted each other. Yes! Ms. Emily doesn't know what happened! I thought joyfully. "Okay, for our seatwork, there were four girls who got a perfect score." That's me! That's me! I thought happily. Everyone buzzled and mumbled. "They are Jasmine Scott, Caroline Beckham, Nikki Vintage and Hanna Willde." Everyone went quiet. They were all shocked. This is ridiculous. This is the first time these dumb girls got a perfect score! "Wait, class, there's more. I saw Hanna, Jasmine, Nikki and Caroline outside earlier, screaming loudly. So I decided this is not a moral value. And I also decided to give them deduction of three points." Ms. Emily said. Oh yeah! This is gonna be good! I thought to myself. "The highest score is 19 over 20. Two boys and one girl got that score. First, John Williams, next is Drake Cushman and the last is Wendy Farr." What?! What the hell?! Ugh!

"And I almost forgot. Allison Smith. You got a perfect score. "

Woah... Alrighty!

Everyone clapped at me. Only that Jasmine and her dumb friends' faces was turned into a snarl. An ugly snarl. The rest of the minutes was turned into a discussion. Then the bell rang. I was so happy. Ms. Emily doesn't know what happened to me and to Mr. Anthony. Just then, a prickle of chill trailed over my spine when Ms. Emily said, "Allison, please see me in the faculty room after lunch. We need to talk." 

Oh no. Maybe she knew what happened.

Nevermind. Nevermind. Ugh. I can't nevermind! What if she knew about it? Will she gossip it? No! Ugh!

Okay, let's don't talk about that, then? My next subject is History, so I went to my unlocked locker to get my books. As I was walking, I saw a lady fiddling with my locker, and her dress was extraordinary. It was made out of fire! So was her hair! It was completely fire! Her eyes where golden and her fiery hair with tips of scarlet was left amazingly loose. Oh my holy fire gosh! She looks so beatiful and elegant. But when she saw me, she vanished into the thin air. I tried to run after her, but she wasn't there.

Woah... That's fascinating...

My next teacher was Ms. Anna Finn. She is one of my favorite teachers. She has short jet-black hair that ends with her shoulders. She has big, forest green eyes and she also likes to color her fingernails. Today, her fingers were painted neon pink with neon yellow flowery details. So cute. Let me get a drink first before I run to class, I thought. So I got my new and funky tumbler that I bought from Justice. It's a good shop. My bottle was very colorful. After I got a drink, I ran to Room 75- Ms. Annaliza Finn. I seated on a center desk.

"Good Morning Class!" greeted by Ms. Anna. We greeted back and recited our prayer. Then the rest of our time was turned into a discussion about the Spanish Colonies.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

It's lunchtime already! Yes! Wait, wait, wait. What about Ms. Emily? Oh no. I'm doomed.

I paced to the cafeteria with my lunch ticket. And oh, today's lunch is super awesome! It's a serving of oven-fried chicken, mashed potatoes with extra gravy, noodles with bits of soft fish, and tetra packs of orange juice. It was heaven after some cherry Jell-Os! OMFH! OMFH! (Oh My Food Haven!). I think within 5 minutes, the food left were one piece of oven-fried chicken meat, one spoonful of mashed potatoes with extra gravy, three strands of noodles with one bit of soft fish, so I gobbled them all up an drank my final sip from my orange juice in a tetra pack. I got a spoon and scooped up the cherry Jell-O from its container. Yum! I carried my lunch tray to the cafteria's deposit section. Then chills crawled from my spine.

Ms. Emily's meeting with me.

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